The lord of sport. Goodbye to Pietro Mazzo

The lord of sport. Goodbye to Pietro Mazzo
The lord of sport. Goodbye to Pietro Mazzo


Pietro Mazzo, historic president of the USSMB, the Union of Monza sports clubs, has died. He was 94 years old. A point of reference for local associations, a great sports enthusiast and a true Inter fan, he had contributed to founding the USSM, then USSMB, which he had presided over (in recent years in an honorary capacity) since 1993. His many battles, including as president of the Amici dell’Autodromo association. Not to forget his commitment to social issues, in which he had always favored, for example, associations such as Arcobaleno Down. Awarded the Giovannino d’oro in 2002, he began his career as a sports manager in the 1970s with the Cantalupo football team. The funeral has been set for today at 10.45am in the Cathedral of Monza. This is the memory of the Ussmb: “The news that we would never have wanted to give, which leaves us with a broken heart and a mind full of memories. Our honorary president Pietro Mazzo, the one who led the Ussmb for 23 years until in April 2016, he passed away this morning at the age of 94 in his home in Monza. For all of us he was the “homo faber”, the one who gave prestige to our union with his intuitions, his foresight, his courage was spent on the Monza Sport Festival (at the time called the “Sport Festival”), bringing more and more disciplines and champions of the caliber of Pantani to the racetrack in 1998, when the “Pirate” had just won the Giro d’Italia. Mazzo was a man of sport, but also a great gentleman, a teacher of life, a wise advisor to turn to.”

The current president Fabrizio Ciceri and his deputy Luisa Biella visited him no less than two weeks ago. “He had lost weight and was tired – they say – but his strength was still the same. He had encouraged us to move forward, not to give up, to continue to raise the values ​​and beauty of sport. We will miss him very much. He was and will be an irreplaceable person.” Mayor Paolo Pilotto recalled “the passion for sport, especially for the aspects linked to the education and training of young people and for the attention towards the city’s associations, committed to promoting grassroots sport at all levels”. Condolences also from Calcio Monza, where his son Roberto is a member of the Board of Directors.

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