The new regional legislature begins with the same behaviors that marked much of the previous five years. Inability to reach a decision, sessions that are skipped or that see tactical absences of those who have to give rough expectations. Thus we are witnessing a “premiere” of the new regional Assembly with deviations of the agenda on collateral topics, due to the lack of possibility of proceeding with the election of the Bureau, traditionally the first act to begin the work of the Lucanian parliament. President Bardi honestly cannot say that he has achieved, with this new regional adventure, a level of stability and serenity in his work. The way in which the opponent of his first five years of government was unexpectedly brought on board has put him in a position to consider himself in check by the Lucanian leader of Action, who has become not a simple ally, but a strong internal competitor, in possession of the golden share of this new political season. Because, unlike other allies, admittedly unable to terminate a legislature due to the hostility of the councilors to interrupt such a hard-won mandate, Pittella can put this majority into crisis whenever he wants, knowing full well that a new government without he can’t be done anyway. The real suicide of the Democratic Party was to have allowed the clearance of the Lauriot leader towards other shores, giving him a justification that surpassed any ethical or political judgment or personal opportunity, making him become a persecuted person of the old nomenklaura. With the result that the latter eliminated itself while Pittella re-emerged bright and shining like a new Gladiator, a leader who is now also liked by the right and who could from one day to the next represent the alternative to a Bardi who is unable to change the narrative and management methods. The almost peremptory request from the health department should already be seen as a challenge to the Governor, who would be deprived of a sector which accounts for 75 percent of the regional budget and on which the majority of the discretionary and decision-making power of the Governor, as demonstrated by the appointments made in this legislature, with people drawn from the most remote corners of the country and who had no other merit than their acquaintance with some high-ranking member of the Brothers of Italy or Forza Italia. That Pittella asks for healthcare is a political challenge, but whether he really wants it, given that it is a job that will necessarily involve cuts and reduction of expenses, is something else. SI begins to raise the bar, and then moves on to more important issues such as to see the role of sole decision-maker that the reconfirmed Bardi had carved out for himself in his last experience enormously reduced. On the terrain of power, the challenge is clearly perceptible. Less on that of real politics, which must necessarily characterize Pittella’s entry into the right: what will he do about differentiated autonomy? What will you say about the Regulation of the regional offices which brings everything into the hands of the President’s Cabinet, depriving the Departments of their authority? How will it behave with respect to the delays and omissions that mark the migrant reception sector? And above all, how will it behave with respect to the unresolved issues of oil and the use of resources that has been made and is still being made? Consistency, coherence I’m looking for! he would dictate public opinion, if he were still able to make himself heard. Rocco Rosa

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