Imu, in Pordenone the tax on second homes is more expensive than Udine. For a deposit alone, the cost is around 500 euros

Imu, in Pordenone the tax on second homes is more expensive than Udine. For a deposit alone, the cost is around 500 euros
Imu, in Pordenone the tax on second homes is more expensive than Udine. For a deposit alone, the cost is around 500 euros

Pordenone is among the least expensive cities in all of Italy as regards the payment of the house tax relating to so-called “appurtenances”, therefore for example garages. But it doesn’t go so well if the focus shifts towards actual homes.

In this case we are talking about second homes or luxury homes, for which the Imu must be paid, which in Friuli Venezia Giulia takes the name of Ilia on a regional basis. Yesterday, in fact, the single deadline for payment of the deposit expired. An important and burdensome date for many people in the region, struggling with heavy tax rates and constantly increasing service costs.


In this case, the map was drawn by the national Uil, however analyzing all the data from the individual regions. And in particular from the capitals. In this case, we start with the so-called appurtenances. These are not the main rooms of the homes, but comforts which in today’s cities (absolute truth in Pordenone, where a parking space is as precious as gold) are extremely important. Garages, for example. And in this case Pordenone is a happy island.
The second appurtenance of the main residence, in fact, costs 45 euros in the capital of the Destra Tagliamento. And it is one of the lowest figures in the entire country. The national average, in fact, openly speaks of an annual tax of 76 euros. Udine is also placed in the same ranking, with a cost of up to 47 euros. It is therefore two euros more than in Pordenone. Similar story regarding the wineries, with Pordenone at 21 euros (the average is 33 euros at an Italian level) and Udine which stops at 27 euros.


We then move on to the most substantial part of the analysis, which consists of the Imu (or Ilia, in our case) count relating to second homes. As is known, the tax is not due unless it is a home classified in the luxury category. In Pordenone, according to Uil data which is based on primary findings from the Revenue Agency, yesterday taxpayers had to pay an average of 510 euros as a deposit and at the end of the year it will reach 1,020 with the single balance. In Udine the “price” is surprisingly lower, since the down payment of the tax on the second home costs on average 422 euros for each taxpayer who owns the property. Costs that rise dramatically in Trieste, where the rate corresponds to 682 euros on average, with the final balance in December skyrocketing to 1,364 euros per owner, while in Udine the total is equal to 844 euros.
If we only talk about second homes and the related taxation, we discover that Gorizia is currently the most convenient provincial capital city in all of Friuli Venezia Giulia, with an average down payment of 292 euros and a balance expected for the December deadline which it reaches up to 585 euros.


The last category refers to the so-called luxury properties, for which the house tax is paid even if it is not the second property. The classes are A/1, A/8 and A/9. Gorizia, with 723 euros, is still among the least expensive cities in the entire Northeast, with the balance reaching 1,446 euros at the end of the year. A luxury property in Pordenone, on the other hand, costs 1,171 euros in taxes as a deposit and 2,342 as the balance at the end of the year. In Udine the down payment is 1,207 euros and the final balance is 2,414 euros. Trieste closes. The regional capital in this case has lower values ​​than those corresponding to second homes. In the gulf, in fact, a luxury property is “worth” 1,011 euros in taxes as a deposit in June and 2,021 euros as a final balance in December.


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The Gazzettino

Pordenone is among the least expensive cities in all of Italy as regards the payment of the house tax relating to the so-called “appurtenances”, so for example…

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