Carrara weather, the forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 19 June

Wednesday 19 June in Carrara are expected weather conditions quite stable, with variable skies and the presence of scattered clouds throughout the day. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with values ​​that will fluctuate between +21.6°C and +28.2°C. There wind speed it will generally be light, with gusts that can reach 11.6km/h. L’humidity will be around 55-68%, while the atmospheric pressure it will remain stable at 1016-1019hPa.

In detail, the morning it will show up with few clouds and a cloud cover of around 13-16%. Temperatures will be pleasant, with values ​​around +24.3°C. The wind will blow light from the East at a speed of approximately 2.7-8.3km/h.

In the afternoon, the meteorological situation will tend to worsen slightly, with an increase in cloud cover that could reach up to 96% in the central hours of the day. Maximum temperatures will stand at +28.2°C, while the wind speed will increase up to 10.6km/h coming from the South West.

In evening, the clouds will thin out slightly, with cloud cover around 21-52%. Temperatures will drop slightly, stabilizing around +22.6°C. The wind will still be present, but with lower intensity than in the afternoon, with gusts that can reach 6.5km/h.

In conclusion, the forecast for Wednesday 19 June in Carrara they indicate a day with variable skies and pleasant temperatures. However, it is advisable to pay attention to the evolution of atmospheric conditions in the coming days, as significant variations could occur.

All the weather data for Wednesday 19 June in Carrara

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