Young people on a summer mission experience. Change CMD location

Young people on a summer mission experience. Change CMD location
Young people on a summer mission experience. Change CMD location

Tanzania, Albania, Kenya and Brazil (Amazon): these are the territories of mission which during the summer of 2024 will feature around fifteen boys and girls from Trentino who have completed the training course to live a few weeks “in the field”, alongside missionaries from Trentino or those linked to the Diocese of Trento. The training experience entitled “Missionary Temptation” was started in February, coordinated by Tatiana Brusco of the Diocesan Missionary Center and animated by young people who have already enjoyed this experience. Also to accompany young people Don Mauro Leonardellidelegate of the Testimony Area, who in the last meeting highlighted the value of missionary exchange that this summer period brings with it.

According to a formula now tested and improved over the years, the groups will be welcomed and “involved” by missionary organizations in close connection with the Missionary Center of Trento, so as to encourage not only observation but also dialogue and observation. listening to the operators and missionaries themselves.

Trento – Young people engaged in training for summer experience on missions

The destinations are: in July Tanzania with p. Oscar Girardi; between July and August Albania with Fr. Michele Leovino and p. Somaschi; in August in Kenya from p. Francis Graciate and in Brazil next to p. Iginio Mazzucchi

Missionaries at the Madonna del Senale on 1 July

Speaking of summer journeys, the Diocesan Missionary Center reports that this year the meeting with the missionaries on holiday will take place in the form of pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the Madonna del Senale: the appointment is on a weekday, Monday 1 July, so as to encourage greater community participation. On the pilgrimage, in addition toArchbishop Lauro Tisiwill also participate three missionary bishops present in the diocese in that period: mgr. Mariano Manzana, mgr. Adriano Tomasi and Msgr. Giuseppe Filippi. For further information tel. 0461891270.

New headquarters for the Diocesan Missionary Center

From Monday 17 June new headquarters for the offices of Diocesan Missionary Center which leaves the building of Bernardo Clesio Center for the headquarters of the Curia in Piazza Fiera 2to the second floor Of Ceschi Palace. The location changes, but not the spirit with which the Diocese intends to accompany its missionaries scattered around the world and continue to sow an authentic missionary spirit in the communities in the Trentino area. DETAILS ON NEW HEADQUARTERS

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