“Artistic Resonances”, artistic event in Reggio Calabria

There Rosa del Pozzo Editions continuing its path dedicated to the valorization of art, it felt it had to offer an event of high artistic value and the choice fell on a collective exhibition reserved for the visual arts, for which the catalog was created. The President Antonino SantisiFurthermore, he thought that to give the right price to an event it was necessary for it to be hosted in a prestigious place and in concert with the Curator of the event Oreste Mario Dito we opted for the rooms of the “Mattia Preti Cultural Center” of the Regional Council of Calabria which without a shadow of a doubt is certainly among the sites of excellence in Reggio.


There show it’s a collective Of visual arts which they were invited 19 artists with the possibility of exhibiting two works and the canvases on display give excellent testimony to the high level of the participating artists. The artists involved in this event represent a fairly varied field of artistic style and each work exhibited is a condensation of emotions that envelop the visitor who, upon entering the rooms in contact with the works, is seized by an atmosphere of lightness and serenity which are the essential conditions to enjoy the beauty of art.

And walking among the paintings this lightness permeates the space and allows you to fully enjoy what appears not only to the visitor’s eyes, but also to his mind and mainly to his soul. Indeed, in the space that envelops us there is a veiled and suffused sound of emotions that recall the title of the exhibition “Artistic Resonances” and certainly this, so to speak, sublime reason was what the organizers of the exhibition were aiming for, a goal that was achieved thanks to the choice of the artists and consequently of their works.

Going through the works we come across landscapes, portraits, mountains, seas, real and abstract figures, we go through varied pictorial styles from expressionism to impressionism, from art nouveau to naturalism, from classicism to futurism, from surrealism to metaphysical up to conceptual art and artists with their works want to give their own self to others with the strength of their expression.

The words of Marcello Anastasi

It is a world that surrounds you that kidnaps you and makes you experience moments that detach you from reality and allow you to experience almost an unreal universe in which dream prevails over reality, the heart over reason in which the concept of beauty prevails which is then the hub of art and Marcello Anastasi, art expert states that art is the fruit of the richness of the genius of artists, who undauntedly continue with their research and experiments to amaze generations of all time, supporting good, not forgetting that the beauty of art will save the world”.

Santisi’s reflections

And the protagonist artists are so incisive and penetrating into the observer’s depths as to induce the President of the Rosa del Pozzo Antonino Santisi to affirm that with theirs “warm colors of the Mediterranean, the magic of the Abstracts, the wonders of our landscapes, the sensuality of femininity in the portraits stop the breath and inspire strong emotions and also give the sensation that everything is transformed and everything gives dynamism to the flow of time and inner being enjoys so much beauty that only an artistic work can provide, leaving the observer enraptured by so much dreamlike dynamism”.

Reggio Calabria, the words of the president of “La Rosa del Pozzo” Antonino Santisi

Dito: “great communication skills in all the works”

And on this great capacity for strength of what the artists meant to represent on their canvases the Curator of the exhibition Oreste Mario Dito recognizes “to all the works a great communicative capacity that because in every work there is always a detail that strikes the observer, it can be a colour, a line, a scene, an expression or something else, and which tells us about an experience or even a the idea to be experienced, or an anguish, or a joy and this ability of the observer to read and feel the work and of the author to transmit is the universal language of art: art does not need translators”.

Reggio Calabria, the words of the curator of the exhibition Oreste Mario Dito

Crowded vernissage

The vernissage was crowded and confirmed the public and critical success of the event which, among other things, had the merit of offering a broad panorama of the visual arts, uniting multiple generations of artists with an openness to young talent and demonstrating once again time that art has no age, but must only have talent.

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