Monza, Pietro Mazzo has died: the city mourns the man of sport Giovannino d’oro 2002

Monza mourns the death of Pietro Mazzo, a leading figure in the sporting and associative life of the city. The mayor Paolo Pilotto, the sports councilor Viviana Guidetti and the entire municipal administration express deep condolences for the passing of Mazzo, founder and president of the Unione Società Sportive Monzesi (USMM) and theAssociation of Friends of the Autodrome and the Park. 94 years old, he leaves an unfillable void in the Monza community.

In 2002, Pietro Mazzo was awarded the prize Giovannino d’Oro, the highest citizen merit, recognition of his tireless commitment and his numerous initiatives. Among these, the organization of the Sports Festival, event which since 1976 has brought together thousands of athletes at the Monza racetrack, becoming an essential event for the sporting community.

In 2016 he officially left the presidency to USSMB. In its place Fabrizio Ciceri, who together with all the members of the Brianza association wanted to thank the work of his predecessor in an open letter. He had instead been appointed honorary president by Ciceri himself.


Big sports fan, gave impetus to the practice of football in the suburban district of Cantalupo, transmitting the values ​​of sport to many young people. “For all of us at the USSMB, he was the “homo faber”, the one who gave prestige to our union with his intuitions, his foresight, his courage. He dedicated himself to the Monza Sport Festival (at the time called the “Sport Festival”), bringing more and more disciplines and champions of the caliber of Pantani to the racetrack in 1998, when the “Pirate” had just won the Giro d’Italia. Mazzo (in the photo during his 90th birthday dinner) was a man of sport, but also a great gentleman, a teacher of life, a wise advisor to turn to. The current president Fabrizio Ciceri and his deputy Luisa Biella visited him no less than two weeks ago. “He had lost weight and was tired – they say emotionally – but his strength was still the same. He had encouraged us to move forward, not to give up, to continue to raise the values ​​and beauty of sport. We will miss him dearly. He was and will be an irreplaceable person”” This is how he is remembered!USSMB

Mayor Pilotto remembered Mazzo’s dedication with affection and admiration: “His passion for sport, especially for the education and training of young people, and his attention towards the city’s sports associations were fundamental for the valorization of grassroots sport at all levels.”

Viviana Guidetti, sports councilor, underlined: “The loss of Pietro Mazzo is a serious loss for Monza. His dedication, his enthusiasm and his ability to involve young people and adults in sport have left an indelible mark on our city.”

In this moment of pain, the city of Monza rallies around Pietro Mazzo’s family, grateful for everything he has done for the sporting and social community. His legacy will continue to live on through the many initiatives and associations that he founded and supported with so much passion.

(in photo: Monza, Pietro Mazzo, dead at 94)

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