Ancona, a model of welcome: initiatives for World Refugee Day – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

Ancona, a model of welcome: initiatives for World Refugee Day – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina
Ancona, a model of welcome: initiatives for World Refugee Day – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

ANCONA – Two afternoons and evenings of initiatives to celebrate the world refugee day. They are scheduled in Ancona Thursday 20 June and Friday 21 June next, on the 20th from 7pm to Lazzabaretto of the Mole Vanvitelliana with a round table on reception and the right to asylum and at 9pm in the cinema next door the presentation of the Sai projects and the screening of the video workshop «Discovering the territory. And other welcoming places”, the protagonists are the beneficiaries of the Sai Ancona Città d’Asilo projects, at 9.30 pm the screening of the film ‘The Captain’ by Matteo Garrone. On the 21st from 5.30pm to Belvedere Park in Posatora first the game of the giant goose and other vintage games, information stands of the associations that deal with hospitality in Ancona and at 9pm at the park’s amphitheater various performances and dances and the Ena show, inspired by the book «In the sea there are crocodiles » by Enaiatollah Akbari.

A series of initiatives organized over these two days, not only to celebrate World Refugee Day, which falls next Thursday, but to make the people of Ancona aware of the project Ancona City of Asyluma model of hospitality and intelligent integration that was described this morning in CISL armor salon in via Ragnini, an occasion in which the Municipality and the associations and cooperatives involved in the project explained what they do in favor of migrants and refugees. They attended thecouncilor Manuela Caucci And Federica Lodolini for the Municipality of Ancona, therefore Massimo Giacchetti And Neli Isaj for Anolf Marche, Sascha Smerzini for Coos Marche, Anna Paola Fabri for Pole 9, e Salvatore Tomasso for Green Living.

Some data: in 2023 they were welcomed in Ancona 88 adult migrants, including twelve families with minor children, 48 from Asia, 37 from Africa and 3 from Europe. They were 69 minors unaccompanied welcomed, of which sand those who have just come of age. A model of intelligent integration and widespread reception that welcomes beneficiaries in many of the neighborhoods of Ancona or, for minors, in communities spread across the entire regional territory, without altering the urban balance and encouraging close social relationships. They are the same implementing bodies that guarantee Italian language learning courses, training courses and insertion paths into the world of work, but also opportunities for social inclusion. For over twenty years the Sai Ancona City of Asylum project represents an operational intervention that the municipal administration of Ancona implemented among the first administrations in Italy to manage migratory flows. The project has as its owner the Municipality of Ancona and as implementing body a partnership made up ofAnolf Marche and from different ones social cooperatives.

«These two days are very important because they allow the people of Ancona to know and see the great work done in this area – explained thecouncilor Manuela Caucci –. I like to focus on two aspects. On thereal, concrete integration: we have the duty to welcome but our greatest duty is to ensure that these children and these families find an area to stay, they are people who when they arrive have the desire to know, know and be able to do something and here those who deal with minors have the greatest burden, because kids are sponges, ready to take everything that is given to them. The other aspect is that of foster families, because having people as points of reference, as happens within a family, is a little different from staying in a structure. I hope that in this sense there will be ever greater possibilities, foster families are a great resource.”

«We started this project in 2004 – he said Neli Isaj –, the first people welcomed then were seven Sudanese, who are still here today in Ancona with their families and children. As the years went by, the project continued to grow, also because there was an increase in flows from a small project we can now count on 68 places for adults and families, including families with minors, and 42 places for minors and newly adultsi, 36 for minors, for a total of 110 places available. It is one of the oldest projects but which has grown in quality, taking into consideration the purpose of the project itself, that is, not a simple welcome but an accompaniment to autonomy after leaving. If taking an Italian course and a training course are the easiest things, finding a house remains one of the most complicated ones. World Refugee Day has become one of the most important activities.”

«Our project – added Sascha Smerzini – guarantees hospitality to 68 people through 13 apartments distributed in various territories and districts. They are apartments on average for 4-5 beneficiaries. A total of 110 professionals work there and the aim is to give autonomy to these people, make them autonomous to train, find work and find a home and become independent. The 110 operators each take care of a piece of the project.”

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