Music Festival. “The Royal Palace of Caserta and the State Archives together for “We are the first orchestra””

Music Festival. “The Royal Palace of Caserta and the State Archives together for “We are the first orchestra””
Music Festival. “The Royal Palace of Caserta and the State Archives together for “We are the first orchestra””

Article published on: 17/06/2024 13:37:49

This is the press release issued by the Royal Palace of Caserta: “On 21 June the Royal Palace of Caserta and the State Archives of Caserta – we read – will join, with a joint programme, the 2024 Music Festival. Harmony between the Caserta institutes of the MiC for become a sounding board of notes and add sound chromaticisms to the wonder of the Vanvitellian Complex.

The initiative – he continues – is promoted by the Ministry of Culture, the Italian Representation of the European Commission and the Department for Youth Policies.

This year the Music Festival, in its thirtieth Italian edition, has the title “We are the first orchestra” and sees musical bands as its common thread.

The bands, which bring joy to all parts of the country – continues the note – also bring young generations closer to music, are an integral part of the Italian cultural heritage. For this reason, the Royal Palace of Caserta and the State Archives, in line with the spirit of collaboration and sharing that has always distinguished them, have decided to give full expression to the day with two initiatives aimed at the entire public of the Museum.

The first courtyard of the Royal Palace, adjacent to the State Archives, will echo – he continues – with the notes of the fanfare of the 8th Regiment of the “Garibaldi” Bersaglieri Brigade. Appointment at 11 am with the traditional and characteristic running pace of the Bersaglieri, accompanied by music. The fanfare performance, directed by Adjutant Sergeant Major Angelo Ceruso, will begin with the performance of the first official march of the corps. The band based in Caserta is made up of around twenty members, as usual, brass instruments belonging to the trumpet family. The brass band – he continues – is engaged in multiple representation activities, both nationally and internationally: it has performed in Australia, Egypt, Belgium, France, Spain, Switzerland and Argentina, where it took part in the celebrations for the bicentenary of the constitution of the Republic. Take part in the June 2nd parade, the changing of the guard at the Quirinale and the international visits of heads of state.

In the afternoon, at 5pm in the third courtyard, it will be the turn – we read again – of the P. Ferraro Città di Casagiove Grand Band Concert. The complex, born at the end of the 80s, has been appreciated with its performances throughout central and southern Italy. It will offer visitors to the Museum cheerful musical entertainment that will range from classical to modern repertoire.

The Music Festival was born on 21 June 1982, with the initiative conceived by the French Ministry of Culture, throughout France, when amateur and professional musicians invaded streets, courtyards, squares, gardens, stations and museums. Since 1985, the European Year of Music, the Music Festival has taken place in Europe and around the world.

Participation – continues the note – in the initiatives is included in the ticket/subscription to the Museum, which can be purchased on site at the ticket office in Piazza Carlo di Borbone and online on the TicketOne platform. Access from the central gate of Piazza Carlo di Borbone and Corso Giannone. For the concert which will be held at 11 am in the courtyard in front of the State Archives, info and access methods at the address [email protected] or at 0823355665.

The closing times of the Royal Palace of Caserta remain unchanged”.

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