At the Notte dei Serpenti in Pescara also the Abruzzo folk choirs – News

At the Notte dei Serpenti in Pescara also the Abruzzo folk choirs – News
At the Notte dei Serpenti in Pescara also the Abruzzo folk choirs – News

For the second edition of La Notte dei Serpenti, the concert that celebrates the culture and musical tradition of Abruzzo, scheduled in Pescara on 20 July, Maestro Enrico Melossi has decided to support the choir of the Orchestra dei Serpenti with a large number of choirs folkloristic and polyphonic music from Abruzzo.

Thanks to the collaboration with ARCA – Associazione Regionali Cori Abruzzesi, the creator and director of the concert scheduled for July 20th at the Stadio del Mare in Pescara is working to involve as many Abruzzo choirs as possible, all dressed in traditional clothes to highlight also another important aspect of Abruzzo tradition and culture. To date, 15 choirs have already joined the initiative.

“Our musical tradition is a priceless heritage that comes from popular songs, a spontaneous expression of community life in work camps and homes – declares the Maestro Enrico Melozzi – These songs, over time, evolved into structured polyphonic choirs, especially in the First and Second World War years. Today, choirs represent a real social glue in the small communities of the Abruzzo hinterland, involving people of all ages in the life of the town. The Night of Serpents will be an international showcase
for Abruzzo: we want to demonstrate what we are capable of, putting our cultural roots at the centre. And this is why I dream of involving 1,000-2,000 choristers for this magical night to rediscover traditions”.

“The ARCA is particularly pleased with this collaboration which is activated at a very significant moment: the celebrations of the association’s fortieth anniversary – states Gianni Vecchiati, President of the ARCA – Regional Association of Abruzzo Choirs – The valorisation of Abruzzo choral music and the protection of its traditions constitute the founding commitment of our association and therefore we enthusiastically seize this beautiful opportunity to offer our choirs an important and prestigious showcase”.

“I immediately and with great enthusiasm shared Maestro Enrico Melozzi’s idea of ​​involving the entire Abruzzo choral community to collaborate with his event La Notte dei Serpenti 2024 – he says Rossana Meletti, Choir Director – In my opinion we have the duty to shine a light on our beautiful folk songs and we can do so by supporting the Maestro’s project. Music evolves, keeps pace with the times and if these modern reinterpretations of our popular songs will serve to bring young people closer to our beautiful songs, so be it.
Melozzi and The Night of the Serpents”.

The popular songs proposed in this new edition will be embellished with new authentic and modern arrangements by M° Melozzi, without affecting the authenticity and originality of the original texts in dialect, keeping intact their poetics and their ability to involve the listeners, who will be able to interpret them freely.

The great musical event, which in its first edition attracted more than 10,000 people to the Stadio del Mare, first became a television special, broadcast on 31 August 2023 on Rai 1 directed by Angelo Bozzolini, and, subsequently, a live album, with the recordings of the songs that were performed during the concert in which, among the protagonists, there were Giusy Ferreri, Gianluca Grignani, Mr. Rain, Elsa Lila and many artists and musicians from Abruzzo, accompanied by the Orchestra of Serpenti directed by Maestro Enrico Melozzi.

The event has free entry.

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