“We must not retreat on high-speed rail” –

“We thank Mayor Guerra and the President of the City Council Alinovi for putting an issue that is fundamental for us back at the center of the city’s political agenda, convening a council commission last Wednesday in the City Hall in which it was finally made known, as we had been asking for some time, the transport study that in April 2022 the Municipality of Parma and the Parma Union of Industrialists brought to the attention of the technical table of the Ministry of Infrastructure, with the aim of determining the best method for the effective inclusion of the City of Parma and of its territory in the high-speed service network, as established by the agreements signed in Rome in 2021.

The study presented confirmed the great potential of our territory in terms of catchment area and high real interest in the use of the high-speed railway service, confirming what we have firmly supported since 2020, namely that Parma has all it takes to demand a significant response on this fundamental service for the sustainable development of the city.

We also believe that precisely in light of the study presented there is absolutely no need to back down on the request for the new high-speed station at the Parma Fairs, which would be more effective and timely than the interconnection, while in the meantime asking the Ministry of Infrastructure and RFI for concrete answers and in a reasonable time on the increase of fast trains in the city station, which have recently even been reduced.

We support the action of the municipal administration and appreciate the commitment of the Industrial Union and the Emilia Romagna Region of which we ask for ever greater determination in carrying forward this difficult match which we hope will see the concrete commitment of all the city’s political forces, to being able to give Parma a fast, modern, sustainable rail connection.”

This is what Effetto Parma President Mirko Reggiani and Vice President Lina Sorrentino declare.

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