Cosenza. Tutino case, what does Guarascio want to do? The possible scenarios and Di Marzio’s “advice”.

In Cosenza the Tutino case spreads unchallenged much more than Italy’s adventure at the European Championships or “Lazzaretto” emergency room or the legendary “traffic chaos” or the under-the-table money that the Municipality assigns to Don Pierino the loan shark after the old mayor Mancini had knocked down two floors of a building. In short, the world could fall but in Cosenza the rossoblù football is always king.

By now everyone knows the state of the art. The President Guarascio, in a surprise move and without communicating anything either to the person concerned or to his agent, decided to redeem Tutino’s card by paying 2 and a half million to Parma. A move that determined the Gennaro’s prosecutor’s reckless reaction but also the lecture by Gianluca Di Marzio, journalist who has always been close to Parenti’s patron, who asked him – in a polite and courteous manner – where he wanted to go.

And the question that the people of Cosenza are asking is precisely this: what does Guarascio want to do? There are three scenarios and there is no escape from here: either he keeps him and builds a team around him to aim for Serie A, or he sells him to the highest bidder making a nice capital gain with the possibility of building a good team with the proceeds or he puts him out of the squad if the boy doesn’t like staying in Cosenza and if a team that wants him isn’t found.

Tutino doesn’t speak and therefore it is not known whether he agrees with his agent’s outburst or not but this is not the point. Everyone knows that in the world of football, agents are in good and bad weather and by now Guarascio also knows it, given that he has been on the market in Serie B since 2018 and similar issues – do you remember a certain Okereke? He – he has already lived through it. Consequently, one wonders: why do you go against such a strong system?

Let’s face it frankly: Gianluca Di Marzio, in his statement on the Tutino case, underneath asks a very demanding question to the poor patron: Now who will you sell it to if you go against the “system”?

We reiterate: Guarascio has known this system for years… and probably also had help from Di Marzio for many operations that we are not going to list here. In situations like this there is always sweet and bitter. And if the sweetness is represented by the support of the fans, who greatly appreciated his “rebellion” against the system, the bitterness can be seen in how the professionals reacted to the Guarascian strategy.

Let’s say it even more frankly: the choice of ransom not communicated neither to Tutino nor to the prosecutor and not even to Di Marzio can be explained in only one way. So: if Guarascio already has a company on hand that wants to buy Tutino, let’s raise our hands and take our hats off too. But if Guarascio doesn’t yet have a company that guarantees him the money he wants, frankly we don’t understand the logic of this whole tarantella. And there is no shortage of those who think that in the end, to sell Tutino, Guarascio will have to submit to the system again…

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