Canicatti Web News -Maurizio Veneziano new superintendent of prisons in Sicily

Change at the top of Sicilian prisons. Maurizio Veneziano is the new regional administrator of the penitentiary administration in Sicily. “We will try, within the limits of our mandate, to collaborate with the new administrator also because we have known him for years as a highly experienced general manager – says the regional secretary of Uilpa Sicilia Gioacchino Veneziano -. We have many pending problems, even though we know that he also holds the position of superintendent of the penitentiaries of Lazio, Abruzzo and Molise, we are sure that he will also address the problems of Sicily to give impetus and improve the working conditions of the Sicilian penitentiary police” . For the union leader it is necessary to “restore correct union relations in the decentralized offices, act with indulgence with respect to the disciplinary relations generated thanks to the chasm in the workforce which forces workers to work enormous hours and workloads and it is necessary to apply the circular from the head of the Russian Dap which prescribes the immediate transfer of prisoners out of the region when they use physical and verbal violence against the Penitentiary Police”. “On these issues – concludes Gioacchino Veneziano – we will not retreat an inch in the certainty of finding a regional administration in solidarity with the union also with regard to the increase in staff, the payment without delay of overtime and mission services, without prejudice the modernization of the decaying Sicilian prison structures to improve the working conditions of the penitentiary police”.

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