After two years the Bergamo Hostel in Monterosso is still closed

Bergamo. The idea was to make a major effort to reopen the facility in time forYear of Culturean objective that has proven unachievable given the terrible conditions in which the premises were left when the previous manager left the scene, at the beginning of autumn 2022: the doors ofBergamo hostel in the neighborhood of Monterosso they have been closed for two years now and a possible reopening date is not yet scheduled in the offices of via Tasso.

The property in via Ferraris is in fact owned by Province of Bergamowho more than a year ago had already ‘denounced’ the critical situation that emerged when the Consorzio Italia Holiday Servicewhich had managed it until the summer of 2022, had had to leave the Hostel after the termination of the previous contract.

“Within the structure the situation continues to be serious – declares the president of the Province of Bergamo Pasquale Gandolfi -. As is now known, the previous manager of the Hostel had completed very few ordinary maintenance interventions, making it necessary to carry out an extraordinary intervention of 900,000 euros, partly absorbed by the new manager and partly by the Province”.

However, financing has not yet been found: “We are waiting for the final draft of the project to then continue with the approval of the budget and start the works. The lack of maintenance has caused the need for such an expensive intervention that it will lead to a change in the budget of a few hundred thousand euros. As of today, the budget change is open, I hope to resolve the situation as soon as possible.”

The initial objective was to attempt a race against time to be able to reopen the Hostel in the spring of 2023 in order to take advantage of the wave of enthusiasm and tourism that overwhelmed the city last year with the great cultural event in collaboration with its sister Brescia. But the process of the massive redevelopment operation that the building requires in order to reopen is forcing all parties involved to stick to extended deadlines.

After two years the hostel in Monterosso is still closed: the 900 thousand euro intervention cannot be released

“The structure is not yet able to carry out its function, despite the important efforts made in view of Bergamo Brescia 2023 – he says Marco Bergamini, director of the Heritage of the Province of Bergamo -. In the last six months we have started to arrange some situations, in particular outside: the works related to the flooring and the terrace have already been completed. The problems are now found only inside and we have drawn up a new feasibility study to understand how to structure the extraordinary maintenance works, favoring a division into essential interventions to be completed to maintain the property”.

The Province has taken steps to identify the most suitable methods to resolve the significant problems present. In the last six months two inspections have already been carried out by the technicians of via Tasso and a third is scheduled for the end of June: “The idea was to start intervening locally, for example on the heating systems, trying to reactivate the structure in gradually, given that to return to its maximum capacity the building requires many investments. The situation at the end of the last manager’s lease was truly at its limit: we are now carrying out a series of operations that aim to make the structure livable again as soon as possible.”

The management of the Monterosso Youth Hostel passed, in October 2022, into the hands of Central Hostel – with an existing lease of 9 years stipulated with the Province -, but the company never had the opportunity to reopen the rooms to the public.

“The more time passes, the more the enthusiasm fades: the Year of Culture passed without being able to reopen, despite the fact that we expected to be able to put this beautiful structure back into operation – he says Emilio Scandella, one of the administrators of Central Hostel -. The harmony with the Province is total, the conditions in which the Hostel was left did not allow it to be opened. Some maintenance operations have been completed, the premises are already in better shape than we found them. However, many pieces continue to be missing, from systems to bathrooms: works that are the responsibility of the Province, a body aware of all our problems”.

Of course, the city is not completely uncovered in this sector: they are open and functioning Central Hostel of via Ghislanzoni (not far from the station) and the San Sisto Hostel to Colognola. However, Monterosso represented a fundamental structure in the city panorama and in the neighborhood itself. Those who notice the ‘hole’ left by its closure are above all the residents of the neighborhood and the young people of the city, certainly among the most inclined to practice this type of tourism.

“Studying tourism in Milan, I happened to stop and sleep in a hostel several times: even when traveling around Europe I often use it, mostly for economic reasons – he says MDresident in Redona with the family -. I often walk with my dog ​​in the Monterosso area and pass in front of the hostel, which has been closed for two years now. Having frequented many cities, including foreign ones, I find it a shame that the main hostel in the city is so abandoned to itself: it’s not just luxury hotel tourism that exists.”

In October 2023, an antenna, a telephone repeater owned by the company, also appeared on the building Iliadafter an agreement stipulated with via Tasso and the manager.

“The worst disservice was the one present when the hostel was open in those conditions – underlines Scandella -. One or two people are constantly busy trying to complete the main works: from the external flooring to the railings, from the roof to changing all the gutters, totally clogged with debris and responsible for serious infiltrations of all kinds within the structure. Of course now there is no point in continuing to focus on the problems, we are working to resolve the situation and reopen as soon as possible.”

A hope that is also shared by many residents of the Monterosso neighborhood and in general of the whole of Bergamo, a city which, in order to continue to increase its already high level of attractiveness (particularly towards young people), must find its main hostel. Why not, there is not only luxury hotel tourism.

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