Music school, the opposition takes a beating…

Viterbo – Municipality – In the appointment of 4 members, the Democratic Party accuses the centre-right: “2 names that belong to the minority were chosen without even consulting us, an unacceptable act of force and the problem is not the names”

by Giuseppe Ferlicca

Viterbo – Appointment of four members on the administrative committee of the municipal music school, the opposition comes to blows.

Viterbo – City Council – Troncarelli and Ricci

Collision, definitive break, tear without the possibility of mending. The wound is deep, at least listening to the words of a bitter PD group leader in the city council, Alvaro Ricci. Against the other minority party, the centre-right.

In choosing the two opposition members, the Democratic Party was kept out. Excluding. a rudeness that Ricci doesn’t accept. But not on the merits. “I want to underline – Ricci explained several times – we don’t care about the representative in the municipal music school. We would have easily voted for those proposed by the centre-right, there is nothing to complain about. That’s not the point, the point is that we weren’t even consulted.”

The centre-right, Fratelli d’Italia and the others, however, would have made their proposal to the Councilor for Culture Alfonso Antoniozzi independently. “You make the strength of numbers count when we – Ricci recalls – when we had to vote for Antonella Sberna in the volunteering consultation, we accepted, even though we had a name to propose”.

Laura Allegrini (FdI) tries to explain that it wasn’t a matter of rudeness, arguments that don’t convince Ricci and there’s no need for a suspension of the work either.

But the leader of the Democratic Party is not the only one disappointed. Elpidio Micci (Forza Italia) asks if it is true that a proposal with the two names was presented on behalf of the centre-right.

The answer is yes and therefore he decides not to vote: “No one warned me”. And he represents an important part of the center-right.

The same fate also befell Giulio Marini (FI UDC Foundation), but he takes it philosophically. Many years of an honored political career are not enough to be considered. Since he was not warned: “I will vote according to my conscience”.

In the end the members are chosen, the municipal music school can prepare the new school year and even in the opposition the music has changed quickly. When it came to discussing the school bus regulations, the minority was in unison or almost in unison to reiterate how the proposal of a confused majority had produced botched changes.

June 17, 2024

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