Sella Cento. Renato Nicolai new general manager

Sella Cento. Renato Nicolai new general manager
Sella Cento. Renato Nicolai new general manager

A two-year contract is ready for the new general manager of Sella Cento Renato Nicolai, a figure of great experience and with a non-trivial curriculum. Professor at the University of Bologna since 2005, he made his debut as a sports manager in Bologna in 1986 with Cus, where he remained for twenty years, before his experience at Fortitudo for four seasons. After a brief period in Ferrara, Nicolai moved to Puglia, to Brindisi, where he contributed to the team’s rise to the top flight and to three consecutive seasons in the top areas of the table.

In 2015, his adventure with Auxilium Torino began, initially in the role of sports director and then general director. These were years of prestige in Turin and the team returned to the national elite, reaching its peak with the victory of the Italian Cup in 2018. In the following season he brought his talents to Sassari, as CEO, taking away the satisfaction of adding a prestigious trophy like the victory of the Fiba Europe Cup. This was followed by the experience in Scafati, as a consultant, where he gave a big hand to the salvation mission and the last season in Nardò, where he achieved the goal of keeping the Hdl in the top category.

A prominent figure in the world of Italian basketball, also welcomed by President Gianni Fava: “We needed a high profile figure to replace Iozzelli and we found him. Renato is a person with great sporting experience, but also management and he can help us in the creation of a sustainable medium-long term project. Nicolai is from Bologna and this was one of the reasons that pushed him to accept Cento’s proposal, precisely because there is a hope for continuity. We had an excellent mutual relationship with Giulio and the kind words spoken in his last press conference are testimony to this. I want to thank him and wish him the best for his career. I am very satisfied, because it was not obvious to replace a person like Giulio Iozzelli with a profile of depth like that of Renato Nicolai.”

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