«You marry and divorce», in Cosenza “fake” weddings for 1,000 euros

«You marry and divorce», in Cosenza “fake” weddings for 1,000 euros
«You marry and divorce», in Cosenza “fake” weddings for 1,000 euros

COSENZA «Comrade I took a really scary product, however yesterday I went and gave him the mullet and he gave me a twenty (…) I said now I’ll come over and give him a blow and I’ll make my friend go through the pain… take the tools, it’s another planet, this very thing and another planet…”. It is a passage from an interception contained in an information from the Cosenza Carabinieri, dated 2022, reported in the investigation papers called “Recovery” coordinated by the DDA of Catanzaro against drug trafficking in Cosenza. The sentences uttered by two interlocutors, unaware of the investigators’ monitoring, crystallize one of the many episodes of sale and purchase of drugs in the city of Bruzi. The investigative investigations led to the discovery of a dense network of pushers “supported by the constant supply and availability of substances such as: marijuana, hashish, cocaine and heroin”. The daily sales of narcotics provide a dramatic cross-section marked by a considerable number of users, willing to do anything for a dose.

The “fake” marriage

There is another conversation considered enlightening by those who investigate. Two subjects are consuming cocaine inside a house, when a supplier enters the house and shortly after a man of foreign nationality. Investigators keep an eye on the comings and goings in the house. On the table is the proposal to purchase a small portion of cocaine at the price of 10 euros. The conversation between those present continues and a topic is introduced which is particularly interesting and linked to the «modalities» for «allow people of foreign nationality to enter Italian territory and receive unjust sums of money through this activity». It is one of those present who informs the other interlocutors about the applied modus operandi. The arrival of people of foreign nationality takes place upon payment of money. Who’s talking “declares that he married a woman of Moroccan origin and that he obtained the sum of 1,000 euros in exchange, specifying that in reality you never consummated the marriage». The discussion continues and we learn that, in addition to receiving the sum of 1,000 euros from the woman of Moroccan nationality, she would have purchased some furniture. «He bought me furniture, four pieces of furniture, eight hundred euros, little stuff, a thousand and three». Who’s talking states that he intends to marry again when he obtains a divorce from his previous marriage. «I told you divorce, I have a Tunisian girl on hand, don’t worry». The subject reports further details to those present. He says he is available to «provide hospitality to people of foreign nationalities, in exchange for a sum of money equal to 150 euros». But how? «I can offer hospitality to the Municipality, I will get one hundred and fifty euros with a sixteen euro tax stamp, I declare that I will host him in my house for six months and with that paper he will go and get an identity card, tax code…».
To succeed in this aim it is necessary to have a “baseman”, a trusted figure capable of tracking down any women from foreign countries willing to move to Italy by accepting the “proposal” just illustrated. In this case the figure of the owner of a business in Cosenza of Turkish nationality emerges, in the past «able to put him in contact with various foreign people in order to make the aforementioned declaration of hospitality». The game is simple, as one of the interlocutors specifies. «You marry, divorce, marry, divorce». Easy isn’t it?!
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