«Agnes is an opportunity for Ravenna. The controversies? Artfully created”

«Agnes is an opportunity for Ravenna. The controversies? Artfully created”
«Agnes is an opportunity for Ravenna. The controversies? Artfully created”

For 7 years Alberto Bernabini – electrical engineer, as well as entrepreneur in the energy sector with Quint’x – works at Agnes project, acronym for Adriatic Green Network of Energy Sources. The ambition is to create a Offshore integrated renewable energy plant: composed of floating photovoltaic panels and wind turbines 12 miles from the Ravenna coast, with batteries for energy storage and a green hydrogen production plant.

In recent days the Agnes Romagna project has made numerous steps forward in the bureaucratic process, but has been at the center of some political controversy, which has split the League of Ravenna in two. On the one hand, Gianfilippo Rolando (Lega) and Veronica Verlicchi (La Pigna) expressed some doubts about the project; on the other, Giacomo Ercolani (Lega) is convinced that Agnes is strategic for the city and that politics should stay out of it. The founder of Agnes takes stock of the project to bring renewable energy to the Ravenna coasts.

Bernabini, in recent days the Agnes project has passed numerous steps in the bureaucratic approval process. Overall, where are you at?

«On May 31, the favorable opinion of the MIC was published on the website of the Ministry of Energy Security (ed., Ministry of Culture). In the previous days, that of the PNRR/PNIEC commission had also arrived, both necessary to obtain the EIA (ed., Environmental Impact Assessment). In the meantime, many intermediate opinions had arrived, such as that of the firefighters regarding the hydrogen system. The hope is to obtain the EIA by June. That is the most important document: once we have received the EIA, which is the biggest obstacle, we could participate in the GSE auctions (ed., Energy Services Manager)”.

Once these authorizations have been received, will the project be able to start?

«Not at the moment, because we are waiting for a law, called FER2, which should regulate the installation of offshore plants. It is a law that all operators in the sector in Italy are waiting for and which should be released within a few days. We are waiting.”

Although Agnes’ process seems to be proceeding smoothly, in recent days there has been controversy and doubts have been expressed by some local politicians. The first concern, published in a report on Rete 4, concerns the fishermen. What do you think?

«The fishermen’s controversy was a bit artfully created, normally no one cares about their problems, but we remember them when we want to attack Agnes. For the fishermen, Agnes is also an opportunity, in fact we are about to sign a collaboration agreement with them which concerns the services within the wind farm. In the interview aired on Rete 4, only three fishermen spoke and indicated an area a few miles from the coast where no wind farm will be built, which I remember is beyond 12 miles (23 km). My answers were not broadcast. It was not good quality journalism, it would have been more appropriate to interview the fishermen’s representatives. There are many positive aspects: from fish restocking, to aquaculture, to mussel harvesting, to tourist services.”

A second question raised by some Ravenna councilors, however, concerns the ability of a start-up like yours to manage such a large investment. What do you think?

«The doubts refer to the share capital of 10 thousand euros. It’s a shame that whoever raised the controversy forgot to mention Agnes’ net worth, which is around 2 million, as well as the partners who have billions in assets (F2i Sgr). I don’t think we need to say anything else, these are basic economics notions. As everyone knows, we were first supported by Saipem from 2020 and then F2i from 2023: they are the largest Italian offshore construction company and the largest Italian infrastructure fund.”

Do you have anything else to add regarding the doubts raised by some local politicians?

«I would only add that the procedures, both the request for state concession and the EIA, lasted three years and all the documents were easily consultable online. They are absolutely transparent national procedures on which everyone could express an opinion and make observations. Many comments have also arrived from ordinary citizens, but in these three years I don’t remember any comments from Pigna. The League also recently supported the project in the Chamber. I find it quite strange that they did not make observations in due time and instead are now accessing the documents in the Municipality, which is not responsible for the authorization process, to make complaints. I highly doubt that they understood the authorization procedure, in fact there is their silent consent within it. Then some members of the League followed them, I can’t tell you why.”

If Agnes goes through, what will the impacts be on the city?

«First of all, if we manage to realize it, it will bring an investment of around 2 billion euros in works to Ravenna, it doesn’t seem like a detail to me. We talk about innovation and new jobs, new professional figures. Furthermore, for this type of project – as well as for the regasification terminal – compensation of tens of millions of euros is expected towards the city. Sums that must be invested in the territory. The jobs will then also continue with maintenance in the following decades. Ravenna, therefore, will become an energy hub at European level: here you will find everything from CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) to wind turbines. This will lead many companies to see Ravenna as a European point of reference. Not to mention the price of energy, which from 1 January 2025 will no longer be calculated as a national average but on a zonal basis. Having the largest renewable plant in Italy here should also have an impact on bills. Finally we will give the opportunity to those from Emilia Romagna who want to invest and earn from Agnes.”

In conclusion, what is the feeling at the moment?

«We are very proud of what we have done, it’s not for everyone. Today Agnes is the largest Italian renewable energy project to have obtained a positive opinion from the Mic and the Ministry of Energy Security. It is true that we were born start-ups, but now we have great partners and others will soon join in the growth of Agnes. It is a problem of Italian culture that of thinking that only large companies can imagine big projects, Agnes has shown that there is still some hope. Personally it was a huge effort, but I’m especially very proud of the guys in the team. The citizens of Ravenna should be too.”

Agnes’ team
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