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Siena weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 17 June

Monday 17 June in Siena promises to be a day of good weather, with clear skies and a few scattered clouds. Temperatures will remain pleasant, with values ​​that will fluctuate between +13.1°C and +28.2°C. Cloud cover will generally be low, peaking at up to 21% during the morning.

During the morning, the sky will be mostly clear with a light presence of scattered clouds. Temperatures will settle at around +17.3°C in the early hours of the day, then gradually rise until reaching +25.5°C around 10:00. The wind speed will be between 2.3km/h and 4.5km/h, coming mainly from northern directions.

In the afternoon the sky will remain clear, with temperatures reaching a maximum of +28.2°C around 2pm. The wind will blow light from north-northwest with intensity between 4km/h and 11.6km/h. Humidity will remain around 37%, while atmospheric pressure will be stable at 1016hPa.

Even in the evening the sky will be clear, with temperatures gradually lowering until reaching +16.6°C around 11pm. The wind will still come from north-northwest, with a speed between 2.1km/h and 7.3km/h. Humidity will increase slightly to 69%, while atmospheric pressure will remain constant at 1018hPa.

Based on the current weather forecast, a stable and sunny climate is expected for the next few days in Siena, with temperatures that will remain quite high. It is advisable to enjoy the beautiful sunny days and pay attention to high temperatures, especially in the central hours of the day.

All weather data for Monday 17 June in Siena

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