The suburbs of Bergamo chose Carnevali: a slap in the face to the centre-right

by Andrea Rossetti

If three clues prove it, then we can safely say that Bergamo is now red. A somewhat old-fashioned definition, but which lends itself well to describing the third consecutive victory in the administrative elections of the centre-left, which after the two mandates of Giorgio Gori now leads to Palazzo Frizzoni Elena Carnevali.

And then just look at the map of the city drawn up after the vote by the data intelligence company InTwig: a huge red spot with a single blue mole. Carnevali (and his lists) obtained a landslide victory in practically all the neighborhoods of Bergamo, leaving Andrea Pezzotta only the Hills. A map that overlaps with that of 2019, when the then candidate of the League, Giacomo Stucchiimposed itself only in Grumello.

Yet, a lot has changed in these five years. One above all: the frontman of the centre-left. Gori is now ready to fly to Brussels with his full list of preferences and has left room for Carnevali, a candidate with a different history, manner and media appeal.

There also seemed to be several signs of a certain tiredness among some citizens towards the policies undertaken by the outgoing council. It seemed like an open game. And instead…

Centre-right, suburbs flop

«Observing the flow of votes in the city, it can be said that Carnevali made the difference, who on the one hand managed to maintain the consensus of the neighborhoods traditionally closest to the centre-left, on the other he convinced the voters of the southern areas of the city.

These are precisely the votes that, in the end, Pezzotta lacked.” Aldo Cristadoro is the CEO of InTwig. As always in these cases, the data helps to understand how things went, to explain the trends and, in part, the final result.

Numbers in hand, we can see how Pezzotta proved to be an appreciated candidate in the centre, Città Alta and Colli: in the first two districts he fought it out vote by vote (taking 47.7 and 47.3 percent respectively), in the third he even won (51.7 percent).

Luca Nosari’s cartoon

There, the lawyer “snatched” votes that had gone to Gori five years ago. However, it was missing in areas where one would have expected greater dissent towards the outgoing Administration, such as (…)

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