Odyssey 2000 opens its 30th season – Video

Southern summer opens early in Calabria with a spectacular event at the Odissea 2000 water park. This weekend, the Aquapark offers young people and families total immersion in fun and relaxation, anticipating the Summer Solstice. There 30th season of the Acquapark, highly anticipated and full of adrenaline, promises unforgettable experiences for everyone, with attractions such as Galatea Island, Hermes Castle, Penelope House and Polidoro. Sunday 16 June, Radio Kiss Kiss will broadcast live from Corigliano-Rossano with Pippo Pelo, Adriana and Aka 7evenmaking the event even more special with moments of music and entertainment.

Milena Marino, director of the Odissea 2000 water park, announces the launch of a new refreshment area: “Olympus, the lunch of the gods”. The spaces were inaugurated today after a restyling of the restaurant to align it with the current aesthetic standards of the park, following the theme of Odysseus and Lemila. This year’s opening marks the park’s 30th season, requiring an update of the restaurant in line with the thematic transformations of the park. The theming intervention inspired by Homer’s world contributes to an immersive experience for visitors, making the park a different and fascinating place.

Tourist forecasts and theming

Expectations for the season are excellent, with forecasts of an increase in both foreign and national tourist flows, says the director of the Odissea 2000 water park Milena Marino. The themed areas have been positively received by the public, contributing to a more engaging visiting experience. The park offers a unique travel experience, in line with the trend of experiential tourism that seeks new and immersive experiences. The collaboration with Radio Kiss Kiss has lasted for over ten years, including live broadcasts from the park during weekends in July and throughout August. This year, the partnership has been strengthened with the entertainment of the park by Radio Kiss Kiss. Guest safety is a top priority, ensured by an experienced lead lifeguard who leads a team of 50 lifeguards and slide attendants. The presence of expert and dedicated staff ensures a high safety standard for all visitors.

The strategic and communicative campaign

For the new season, Aquapark Odissea 2000 has renewed its collaborations with multinationals and important partners. This consolidation aims to extend the presence of the park beyond the traditional territorial borders, says Daniele Cipollina, marketing manager – Acquapark – Odissea 2000. The communication strategy includes campaigns on the main national broadcasters and billboards in the regions neighboring Calabria. The goal is to reach a wide audience by telling the story of the unique experience offered by the park. A central part of the campaign is the new area dedicated to gastronomy, where prominent Calabrian chefs present typical local products, thus offering an authentic culinary experience.

Lenin Montesanto, responsible for the communications area, underlined how Odissea 2000 stands out for its strong link with the Magna Graecia identity, transmitting to families and visitors the sense of euphoria and pleasure typical of ancient Calabria. This identity is now enriched by food and wine experiences, which present the water park as a cultural window on the local area. One of the main challenges is to convince the Calabrian cultural, social and entrepreneurial fabric of the importance of replicating the successful Odyssey 2000 model in other sectors. The first day recorded around a thousand participants, indicating a good start to the season. To further improve results, Odissea 2000’s approach is to bring together different target audiences through a mix of fun, adrenaline and relaxation.

Commitment to nutrition

This year an agreement was signed with the Italian nutritionists association to promote the importance of good nutrition. The park has obtained the “blue sticker”, a recognition for its commitment to nutrition, which represents an advantage in terms of communication and attractiveness. Domenico Antonio Galatà, biologist-nutritionist and president of the Italian Nutritionist in Cucina Association underlines the importance of distinguishing between “Mediterranean diet” and “Mediterranean cuisine”.

It is not enough to have local ingredients, it is essential to transform them adequately to benefit from their quality. The kitchen is described as a large laboratory of chemistry, physics and nutrition, where the ingredients are transformed. The Mediterranean diet must be considered not only for the ingredients but also for how they are cooked and processed. If Mediterranean ingredients are not prepared correctly, they can lose their benefits and no longer represent a healthy diet. It is important to spread awareness that Mediterranean cuisine requires attention both in the choice of ingredients and in their preparation.

Chef Enzo Barbieri and traditional Calabrian cuisine

Also present Enzo Barbieri, chef of the Hotel Barbieri in Altomonte. The professionist states that the Magna Graecia cuisine is at an excellent level. He chose to prepare a typical dish of ancient Sibari, the “Strangulo Spreptos”, known in dialect as “Rascafiedri”. The “Strangulo Spreptos” are dumplings made with hot water and flour, served with basil, tomato and grated goat’s ricotta. Barbieri considers this dish innovative despite its ancient origins, thanks to its simplicity and cheapness. One of the main characteristics of the dish is its versatility, as it can be seasoned with various sauces: simple tomato, fish broth, goat ragout, wild boar or sausage. This adaptability contributes to its appeal. Barbieri is a great supporter of traditional Calabrian cuisine which he finds splendid and always appreciated for its simplicity. He criticizes sophisticated cuisines which, despite claiming to use zero kilometer ingredients, often require non-local ingredients. On the contrary, traditional Calabrian cuisine is strongly linked to the territory and seasonality.

Pythagorean cuisine and its international expansion

Salvatore Murano, chef and president of the Pythagorean Chefs Association, observes how Calabrian cuisine is based on the cereal triad of wheat, oil and wine. This, together with elbow grease and knowledge of culinary traditions, forms the heart of Pythagorean cuisine. The association is also dedicated to culinary culture, studying the traditions of its predecessors and sharing knowledge in periodic briefings. This enriches culinary practice and keeps traditions alive. Pythagorean cuisine has crossed national borders and is appreciated in several countries, including Spain, France, Germany, Canada and the United States. Future plans include expansion into Australia. The association aims to involve more and more people who believe in their project, promoting a better Calabria and a cuisine appreciated globally.

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