Marchionna council in crisis, the opposition calls a press conference

We receive and publish a note from the opposition council group leaders. It is signed by Francesco Cannalire (Democratic Party); Roberto Fusco (5 Star Movement), Alessandro Antonino (Commitment to Brindisi), Pasquale Luperti (Citizen Equality), Riccardo Rossi (Green Alliance/Left-Brindisi Common Good), Michelangelo Greco (Salento Region Movement) and Diego Rachiero (Activate Brindisi) . The note refers to the rumors regarding the possibility of a cancellation or a reshuffle of the Brindisi council led by mayor Giuseppe Marchionna.

The centre-right majority in the Municipality of Brindisi is preparing to open a crisis with unclear contours. Since there are no official communications but only rumors and half-confirmations, any comment on the situation risks ending up as chatter. What is certain is that if the rumor of a possible elimination and simultaneous replacement of some member of the council, as has been circulating for days now, were to materialise, all our reservations, highlighted several times, regarding the poor and incomplete work of the exponents of the council would be confirmed. municipal administration.

This request for cancellation, which concerns the City Council and Prime Minister, certifies the disastrous failure of the Marchionna administration just one year after the elections. We are also distressed by the fact that the indiscretions, cleverly leaked, give the vote for the rescue of BMS as a “do ut des”, thus holding 150 families hostage due to internal disputes.

We have the impression that this crisis was orchestrated only to dispense, with the entry into the council, some useful safe conduct to someone in order not to vote in the City Council on the recovery plan of the municipal subsidiary whose liabilities amount to almost 3 million EUR. It’s a shame that the positions on the council are only a handful compared to 20 majority city councilors who will instead remain in the City Council and will have to take on important responsibilities.

We are worried about this uninstitutional and truly irresponsible attitude. Due to this institutional crisis, due to the serious crisis situation of the territorial economic fabric and the stalemate of the ministerial table for decarbonisation, all the minority forces in the City Council are calling a press conference for Monday 17 June at 10.30 am in the Mario room Marino Guadalupi at Palazzo di Città.

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