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Perugia, that 2,000,000 euro note and the lucky person who found one on the ground that was not well scratched

Perugia, that 2,000,000 euro note and the lucky person who found one on the ground that was not well scratched
Perugia, that 2,000,000 euro note and the lucky person who found one on the ground that was not well scratched

An orange billboard and black writing, done on the fly: “2,000,000 euros won here.” There is no time to waste with graphics and beautiful handwriting, because it is only the news that counts: in Perugia, along the E45, a very lucky person has scratched and won two million. It happened at Le Querce bar in Strada Tiberina southa historic Saturday evening meeting place, part restaurant, part service station, with the news confirmed and relaunched yesterday morning by the website.

He wins 3 million on the scratch card, his friends freeze the prize of the coupon purchased “in company” and take him to court

The owner Sofia Bordini is still in disbelief: just enough time to get the confirmation, start the afternoon shift and already runs to prepare the sign to stick behind the well-known counter. Together with her colleagues Sara, Flora and Rosanna, she poses with that lucky poster, amidst a lot of pride but also curiosity to know which of them sold the millionaire scratch card. The golden ticket was a “New bonus everything for everything” from just 10 euros, with the win multiplying it 200 thousand times. It is impossible to trace the lucky man or woman, considering how many people pass through the place every day, which is open 24 hours a day. In fact, many are passing through, travelers who need a coffee break, but there is no shortage of loyal customers, among those who stop going to or returning from work. «Did someone call us? Actually no. Nobody called us to inform us of the extraordinary win”, they say from behind the counter. Maybe the super lucky one still has to recover from the discovery, maybe he will make himself heard later to share the joy that definitely changes his life.
The place has seen other winnings but they had never exceeded twenty thousand euros, says a bartender. There is a festive air at the Querce and it is impossible not to get caught up in the desire to participate. A customer who arrived from Sansepolcro comments: «I’ve been scratching every day since 1996 but I’ve spent more money than I’ve won», but the look belongs to someone who won’t stop today. Another customer echoes him: «This street has been lucky lately – he says -: in the bar ahead, a man from Deruta, no more than 10 days ago, found an unscratched ticket on the ground near a bin and there he won a thousand euros.” And between a coffee and a beer, under the eyes of the other customers, Rosanna climbs onto the shelf to attach the orange sign: some take photos, others test their luck and buy more coupons hoping that the miracle will repeat itself.

According to the rankings, that of Perugia is one of the top winnings of the week from 10 to 16 June, second only behind the 5 million won in Florence with an Ultra Numerissimi ticket. And if in 2022 500 thousand euros were won like this in a bar in Madonna Alta, it is the second time in less than a year that luck kisses Perugino with a millionaire win: only last August, in fact, a lucky ticket was scratched in Mantignana di Corciano. In that case, it was a 5 euro “New tourist forever” coupon. The maximum prize is 50 thousand euros, but it also allows you to win – as in that case – a kind of annuity: if you find the words “Tourist forever” twice you will immediately get 300 thousand euros, plus 6 thousand euros a month for 20 years plus a final bonus of 100 thousand euros, with the total winnings amounting to 1,936,849 euros. Enough, in short, to make you want to challenge Lady Luck and invest a few euros with the dream of becoming a millionaire, but never forgetting the risks of a challenge that can become an obsession and an illness.


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