Savona mourns Mauro Olivieri –

“Friend of the heart, like no one else has been for me. The void you left is deep and dark like the depths of the sea, like that Mariana Trench that you always mentioned” Daniela Amato remembers him.

“In 2007 we created a Committee, since then there have been many disappointments that have sometimes led us to think of “giving up everything”. Then, unexpectedly, some small but great successes have rekindled the desire to move forward! We have come a long way, with small steps and from a parents’ committee, little more than improvised, we became an ODV, of which you were a founding member with me and this only thanks to your determination”.

“You were capable of challenging the impossible. At the basis of all our commitment there has always been love for our city, with its history and its traditions, our desire to save the church of the Madonna degli Angeli and the natural environment that surrounds it. In these years you have given your all, never sparing yourself with the madness of those who truly believe in dreams. I carry with me every moment shared with you as we tried to bring a little justice where there is none ‘was more. Moments that warmed my heart, heartbeats that gave me joy and hope, smiles that gave color to my gray days.”

“I will forever be grateful to you for what you were able to teach me with your example and above all for the love you knew how to put into everything you did. I smile thinking of the tenderness of your gestures as you accompanied elderly people, who grew up in that place, to the little church, who wanted to return before it was too late. You were affectionate and always available, especially with them and with the school children and now we all miss you very much.”

“Without you the association will no longer be the same. It seems almost impossible, yet a day apparently like many others, which began with the rising of the sun suddenly turned dark, becoming the first day of a life that we would never have wanted to live. Everything what happened has fallen into a vortex of fear and desperation. We feel incredulous in the face of so much and unable to stay clear, we wonder why, even though we know that we will never find an answer. Hour after hour, day after day. by suffering, we will learn to live that life which is the only one we have and which we must cling to anyway, but where everything will be different, where every moment will be a tiring conquest, where there will be a bit of our president in our every gesture You will forever remain the soul of “your” association, we will never forget you. Your absence will forever be the strongest presence.

The funeral will be on Monday at 10am in the Parish of SS Annunziata del Chiappeto – Genoa. The San Martino mortuary is open from 7am to 8pm.

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