stop punishments and discounts on Il Tirreno season tickets

LIVORNO. The amaranth engine is on: management-press meeting yesterday (president Esciua in London for business) then meeting with the clubs on Monday, but the market holds sway. The cat (the sporting director Bicchierai) and the fox (the Indian coach) are filling sheet after sheet: names (many) and schemes (in relation to the characteristics of those who will come). One thing is certain: it will be a revolution. But the news is different: the games have reopened for an agreement with a club with great traditions to solve the pitch problem and expand the youth sector.

Laudicino and the city

The marketing manager has started working on young fans: members of the Livorno sports world (basketball, rugby, volleyball, athletics, swimming, fencing, rowing, etc) will have strong discounts on season tickets. Then meetings with the Education Authority to implement the “Classe in campo” project, because Laudicino is also interested in building the loyalty of the Under 16s, the base of tomorrow’s fans.

They will be banned

Furthermore, the marketing manager talks about a need: “Give transparency to the club”, show the commitment and efforts, including financial, to show off an organization that caters to the fans. Some reductions are also being studied, perhaps also for the Curva sector. The club will most likely remove the punitive action against many fans who had been banned from the Us Livorno page. The honorary president Fernandez summarizes: «I look ahead with confidence, I believe in this Livorno, and my invitation that comes from the heart (and becomes emotional, ed) is to put aside the controversies and follow with affection the new team that is being born. The commitment is maximum.”

The diktat of Indians

Paolo Indiani repeats it: «I want ready players, we won’t be able to wait for this or that because we will aim for a rolling start». It could be a signal for the two injured Bartolini (playmaker) and Cesarini (playmaker): in the first instance they will not be part of the program, even if the door is not definitively closed, but they will have to demonstrate that the cruciate operation is just a memory. There will be no less than ten new players: the squad will have between 25 and 27 members. But Indians would like as few as possible.

Attack: via Cori, Luis Enrique and (maybe) Menga, Tenkorang is also not very popular (which however has a biennial). Giulio “Cobra” Giordani remains, who has a two-year contract and starts again with 7 goals to his credit. And he is happy to stay in Livorno.

Midfield: there are two left: Luci and Bellini (another lover of the shirt). And (maybe) Carcani. Via Sabattini, Tanasa, Goffredi and Likaxhiu. Evaluations underway for Frati. Nardi is still waiting to know if Fiorentina will find a Serie C team for him, otherwise he would willingly stay.

Defence: most likely via Camara, which being a 2003 is no longer altitude. He didn’t like the dramatic decline at the end of the championship. Also gone are Schiaroli, Fancelli, Nizzoli, Brisciani and perhaps even Ronchi (who however still has some chance). Confirmed: Brenna and Curcio and (maybe) Savashak (2005).

Goalkeepers: Facchetti (the knockout in Gavorrano weighs heavily on him), Albieri and Biagini have not been confirmed. The club will focus on Ciobanu and Tani: very promising boys on whom Mazzoni is betting. A curiosity: the second is the nephew of Nando, a very good referee for Can A. An expert goalkeeper is coming.

Benedetti likes it

Tip. From Seravezza they confirm: Livorno is pursuing Lorenzo Benedetti, 32 years old, 17 goals (4 from penalties, 9 decisive) just archived. But Bendetti has an agreement with his president Lorenzo Vannucci (a gentleman, we know him, ed.) and only he could give him the green light.

Negotiation for the fields

Contact with a company initiated. The twinning hypothesis is taking shape even if Livorno will have to win the competition from a Serie A team. As for the retreat, the hotel in Pievepelago has already been set. Departure end of July, beginning of August.


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