Mondialpol requests an urgent meeting with the Ministry of the Interior

Mondialpol requests an urgent meeting with the Ministry of the Interior
Mondialpol requests an urgent meeting with the Ministry of the Interior

Last updated on July 1, 2024 by Elisabetta Cina

The surveillance institute Mondialpolfollowing the latest attack on the headquarters of Sassari by an armed commando, requested an urgent meeting with the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosiand with the undersecretary Molteni to discuss the measures necessary to ensure security on the national territory.

Concern for the safety of operators

The security company Mondialpol expresses deep concern e discouragement in the face of the recent wave of violence that has hit the security sector. The president of the board of directors expressed the need to receive concrete answers and effective solutions to counter the increase in criminal attacks that jeopardize the safety of people and property.

Appeal to institutions for greater attention

It’s not the first time Mondialpol is subject to attacks and, despite efforts to implement increasingly advanced security measures, the company feels abandoned by institutions. The absence of adequate support from the authorities highlights shortcomings in the protection of the national territory and raises doubts about the preparation and audacity of the criminals who act undisturbed.

Increase in crime and risk to public safety

The recent escalation of armored car attacks and robbery attempts highlights a dangerous deterioration of security on the national territory. Mondialpol underlines the need to adopt timely and effective measures to counter the proliferation of organized criminal groups that threaten public stability and security.

Urgent clarifications requested from the Ministry of the Interior

In the face of persistent threats to the safety of industry operators, Mondialpol demands immediate answers e concrete actions by the Ministry of the Interior. The company warns that in the absence of guarantees on the protection of its staff, it could be forced to suspend surveillance services, putting the safety of many citizens at risk.

Copyright ANSA


  • The article concerns the supervisory institute
Mondialpol and his request for an urgent meeting with the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosiand the undersecretary Molteni following the latest attack on the headquarters of Sassari by an armed commando. Mondialpol expresses deep concern at the recent wave of violence against the security sector and calls for concrete responses to counter criminal attacks that jeopardize the safety of people and property.

The chairman of the board of directors of Mondialpol denounces the lack of adequate support from the authorities, indicating shortcomings in the protection of the national territory and raising doubts about the preparation of criminals who act undisturbed. The company highlights a dangerous deterioration in security due to the escalation of attacks on armored vehicles and attempted robberies by organized criminal groups.
The Mondialpol asks for urgent clarifications from the Ministry of the Interior and threatens the suspension of security services in the absence of guarantees on the protection of its staff, putting the safety of numerous citizens at risk.
In general, the article highlights an emergency situation linked to public safety and the risk for operators in the surveillance sector, raising important questions on the ability of institutions to combat organized crime and guarantee security on the national territory.

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