Transport, cuts to rail travel from Isernia to Rome and Caserta come into force from today

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ISERNIA – Cuts to railway trips from Isernia to Rome and Caserta, the mayor Piero Castrataro points the finger at the Region guilty of not having been able to negotiate with Trenitalia.

“First day of cuts for trains from Isernia to Rome and from Isernia to Caserta. It wasn’t enough – commented Piero Castrataro – the cry of alarm from commuters, trade unions, trade associations and other social forces who fear the isolation of this region.

Today one of the two morning trains no longer leaves Isernia and one of the two evening trains does not return from Rome to Isernia. Two return trips from Isernia to Caserta are also cancelled.

This means – the mayor highlighted – greater isolation for our region, but above all the inability of regional governments to know how to deal with Trenitalia and at the same time make the best use of the resources we have. They have only been good at increasing taxes and, in this case, they are cutting essential services that are needed to remove the region from isolation!”.

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