Elections, sexist writings in Cellino: “Deplorable and outrageous gesture” – News

Elections, sexist writings in Cellino: “Deplorable and outrageous gesture” – News
Elections, sexist writings in Cellino: “Deplorable and outrageous gesture” – News

Teramo. “The actions of these individuals are extremely deplorable and outrageous”: strong words from the president of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Province of Teramo, the lawyer Amelide Francein commenting on the writings that appeared on the election posters in Cellino Attanasio corresponding to the names of the candidates.

The voice of President France is joined by those of the Network Protocol associations – il Guscio Aps, the social cooperative L’Elefante scs, On the Road Cooperativa Sociale, Fidapa Teramo, Cittadinanzattiva Aps, Thana Onlus Associazione, Niche Associazione, Francesco De Finis, Soroptimist Teramo and the “Ester is me” coordination.

Election posters daubed with marker, sexist insults and “offenses that smack of ancient patriarchy”, as reported by several online newspapers. The lawyer Amelide Francia, the members of the provincial CPO and the Network Protocol associations – who met in the first “Network Technical Table” – in showing solidarity with the women attacked, condemn the gesture as “extremely deplorable and outrageous, legacy of a past that today, in the twenty-first century, some still cannot overcome.”

“Despicable and criminally relevant behavior aimed at preventing the peaceful and legitimate exercise of a constitutionally guaranteed right, for all, and which represents a vile denigrating and sexist attack which we firmly condemn, reiterating all the daily commitment and all the results achieved for women, alongside women, and for the achievement of TRUE gender equality, also in the political sphere. Full solidarity for the candidates involved in this unfortunate and unpleasant attack. We reiterate, yesterday as today, the importance of respect, knowledge and awareness of the centrality of human dignity, in all areas, without exception”, concludes the lawyer Amelide Francia.

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