Annalisa, godmother of Roma Pride: “I am worried and also sorry for the lack of protection of LGBTQIA+ rights. Host Sanremo 2025? I do not know anything”

Annalisa, godmother of Roma Pride: “I am worried and also sorry for the lack of protection of LGBTQIA+ rights. Host Sanremo 2025? I do not know anything”
Annalisa, godmother of Roma Pride: “I am worried and also sorry for the lack of protection of LGBTQIA+ rights. Host Sanremo 2025? I do not know anything”

The procession with 40 floats will start from Piazza Della Repubblica to the tune of “Sincerely” and with the motto “Mai Zitt3 – You will never silence us”

Annalisa will be the godmother of Rome Pridewhich leaves tomorrow from 3pm with a procession of 40 floats in Piazza Della Repubblica, and his Sanremo song “Sincerely” will also be the anthem of the event which turns 30 this year. The chariot of Circolo Mario Mieli, the LGBTQIA+ association that has organized Pride since the first edition in 1994, will have with the claim “Mai Zitt3 – You will never silence us”. The silhouettes of. stand out on the wagon Corrado Formigli, Luciana Littizzetto, Fabio Fazio, Serena Bortone, Antonio Scurati, Lilli Gruber, Roberto Saviano and Sigfrido Ranucci. “It is our due, but above all desired, tribute to those who are currently under attack for the protection of freedom of speech and information. – he has declared Mario Colamarino president of Circolo Mieli – We will all take to the streets with our faces, our bodies and above all our voices. They will never silence us.”

To those who asked Annalisa, during the press conference to present the event, whether in light of the recent electoral result at the European elections which saw the advance of the Right, she was afraid of less protection of LGTBQIA+ rights, the singer replied: “I’m worried and also sorry. I find it quite incredible that even today, in 2024, certain themes are not experienced in a predictable way. I find it obvious that every person has the freedom to choose how to live their life and be protected in this. It worries me and I’m sorry, that’s the true feeling. But sometimes problems can be turned into opportunities. So being able to talk about it with the welcome that distinguishes this community I think can be an example because also the rest of the world is welcoming“.

And on the rumors linked to the possibility of co-hosting an evening of Sanremo Festival 2025 with Carlo Conti: “To a blunt question, I answer very briefly: indeed there are rumours! For now I don’t know anything”. Meanwhile, “Tutti nel vortex outdoor” will start on June 16th from Nameless, the summer tour that will continue until August 17th.

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