Mayor Pietro Tidei: “Tar has declared Prato del Mare’s appeal to block the creation of the nursery school inadmissible”

Mayor Pietro Tidei: “Tar has declared Prato del Mare’s appeal to block the creation of the nursery school inadmissible”
Mayor Pietro Tidei: “Tar has declared Prato del Mare’s appeal to block the creation of the nursery school inadmissible”


SANTA MARINELLA – We receive and publish from the press office of the municipality of Santa Marinella

“It is very sad to still have confirmation, if ever there was any need, that the administrator of the Prato del Mare Consortium, instead of defending the interests of all the inhabitants and residents of “Prato del Mare”, defends only her own interests and those who also use these residences as second homes!

It is equally regrettable that the aforementioned administrator in a statement addresses the citizens of Prato del Mare, stating that “the Mayor’s communication is unfortunately seriously untrue”. The only truth is that the attempt to block the birth of a structure long awaited by the families of the town in addition to being an action disrespectful of the legitimate expectations of the population, to which we are responding, it is also totally unfounded on a legal level. The sentences of the administrative judges confirm this incontrovertibly

The Administrative Court for Lazio with sentence no. 01273/2024, published on 23 January 2024, which everyone can consult on the online website of Administrative Justice, established that: “The appeal is, in part, inadmissible, and, for the rest, inadmissible.”, therefore citizens intellectually honest people can understand and decide independently whether this ruling has proved in favor of the Consortium or the Municipality!

Furthermore, the Municipality, already in my previous legislature as Mayor, with resolution of the City Council n. 2/2006 had acquired, through transfer, the area to the municipal heritage both for the church and for the construction of “school equipment”, a resolution never contested by the Consortium, nor opposed by anyone, not even informally.

Furthermore, considering the work carried out by this Administration, amidst a thousand difficulties, to find European funds from the PNRR, which for Santa Marinella amount to over €20 million, so as not to dent the citizens’ pockets, feel opposed, even with appeals in court, to the creation of public school services is truly ridiculous.

I believe that the duty of an Administration and a Mayor is to create public works and services to improve and facilitate the daily life of citizens, residents and tourists and not to debate with a single person, who is challenging before the court, both TAR and Council of State, with the money of the consortium members, all the documents issued by this Administration. Furthermore, the president’s short-sighted and somewhat instrumental position has already been censured by the TAR which affirmed the principle that in an area of ​​public property no harassment can be imposed by a private consortium, especially when it is clear that there is no violation of the rights of others .

Therefore, although I do not want to argue further with the Director of the Consortium, I would invite you to spend the private resources of your consortium members better. In fact, I remind you of the total and gross failures to comply with the contractual obligations of the Consortium itself and from the early 90s to today, the consortium members have enjoyed many public services provided by the Municipality of Santa Marinella,

I will no longer respond to the provocations of the Consortium administrator, preferring to spend my time, together with all my collaborators, working on projects and initiatives for a better future for everyone, including the citizens of Prato del Mare”.

Mayor Pietro Tidei declared it

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