“a wild boar killed near the houses and our cat colony” – Savonanews.it

“We are shocked by the useless, gratuitous and cruel killing of a wild boar, probably a young adult female. We would like to understand the responsibilities of those who organized this barbarity in the center of the city, on a very normal afternoon. The municipality was aware of what was happening?”.

This is the note from the “Equilibrio a 6 legged” association for the killing of a female wild boar yesterday in the city, near the cat colony in via Eroine della Resistenza and not far from the houses. Yesterday evening, June 13, at 8.30 pm the wild boar was inside a private property in via Lichene, where the Region’s wildlife surveillance team intervened and killed it. It is probably the female boar of which a video was made a few days ago while she was filming in Piazza Aldo Moro.

“The day before the female wild boar had been seen near the cat colony that we manage in Savona as an association – continues the association – it was a tame animal that in fact did not cause any discomfort, on the contrary it was calm and observed the person with a curious expression who spoke to her and photographed her. What kind of trouble could she cause?

During the killing of the female wild boar, some people present reportedly asked to spare the animal. “An animal has been killed – continues the association – and if for many it has no weight, for many other more sensitive people, it certainly does. So much so that while they were preparing for the execution there were those who contested the executioners , shouting at him and asking him to let her live.”

The killing of the animal took place near the cat colony looked after by the association, which is protected by law. “There is also another aspect to consider – continues the note – to kill this poor boar, they shot near homes and near our cat colony, which, we underline, is protected by National Law N°281 of 14/8 /91 and by regional law N°23 of 22/3/2000. These cats have already suffered trauma in the past due to the movement of the structure and yesterday the scare due to the killing of the wild boar”.

“The killing of these animals – concludes the association – cannot be the solution, we remember that a few days ago 4 puppies were killed in Albissola Marina with the crazy intention of forcing the mother to remove the others. Why not capture them with a cage trap and release them in a more suitable place? This barbaric system cannot continue.”

The Municipality explains that it knows nothing about the incident.

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