Blood Donor Day, testimonies in Reggio Calabria

World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on 14 June, an important moment to remember how many lives can be saved with a small gesture of solidarity.

The number of donors in Reggio Calabria is growing: but there is still a lot to do

In the last two years the number of donors has increased, recording in some areas, such as that of Reggio Calabria, a significant increase in terms of the percentage of people approaching donation, higher than even in the pre-Covid period. The numbers are encouraging, but as we will see, there is still much to do.

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Precious is the contribution of historical associations such as Avis And Adspem, which has always been in the front row, together with its volunteers, in an awareness-raising effort that particularly involves the new generations. Alongside this, recently, the contribution of local institutions, such as i Carabinieri and the State Policehas further stimulated community participation, creating a climate of “positive competition between institutional forces”, as well as being an example for citizens.

Important efforts, also considering the increase in needs coinciding with the arrival of the summer season. We talk about it with some of the protagonists.

Donors: «An act of solidarity that takes little time, but capable of saving many lives»

It is a small gesture that can save many lives, capable of repaying those who do it with the awareness of having made a difference. «Blood donation is an act of solidarity and love that takes little timebut it has a huge impact on the health and lives of many.” Myriam Calipari, president of the municipal Avis of Reggio Calabria he explains to us the importance of this gesture and how it is fundamental not only during the summer season, in which the “need for blood amplifies”.

Today is World Blood Donor Day. Why is this so important?

It takes on fundamental importance, especially because it coincides with the beginning of summer, a period in which the need for blood grows. It is essential to secure the necessary bags for the Grand Metropolitan Hospital, not only during emergencies or major operations, but also for those in need throughout the year. In the summer, blood availability can decrease, putting those who need regular transfusions at risk.

How has the approach to donation changed in recent years?

First of all, there is greater sensitivity regarding the act of donation. Not only have the numbers grown, but the approach has also changed, especially with regards to the types of donation.


In addition to whole blood collection, we have introduced plasma collection via apheresis more than a year ago. Many donors alternate between whole blood and plasma, which is crucial because both donations are equally important. Donating whole blood takes only ten minutes, while donating

TO KNOW MORE: Gom, blood donation increases: «first for plasma collection»

of plasma about half an hour. However, knowing that this simple gesture can help many people pays off a lot in terms of the contribution that everyone can make to others.

What does this gesture represent not only for those who receive, but also for those who give?

Donating blood not only helps those in need, but is also an act of prevention for the donors themselves. Every time we donate, routine tests are carried out to evaluate our general state of health. This is an important prevention tool that allows us to monitor our health regularly.

What message would you like to share to encourage people to donate?

I would like to tell our fellow citizens, with their hearts in their hands, to commit themselves so that everyone’s needs are satisfied. Even a small contribution can make a big difference. Donating blood or plasma is a simple gesture that takes little time, but can save many lives. Let’s do it for others and for ourselves.

Myriam Calipari (centre), on the right Mimmo Nisticò national councilor of Avis and on the left a donor

Thalassemia patients: «Transfusions are our life saver. Thanks to those who donate”

Barbara Maria Farinato she is the vice president ofReggina Microcitemici Association (the president is, however, Stefania De Lorenzo). She is also a thalassemia patient. Blood transfusions for her, as well as for other patients with alterations of red blood cells, are the main “life-saver”. Here is her testimony.

What does the gift of blood donation represent for you?

A simple but important answer: life! Donating blood is fundamental, ethically and morally, everyone should feel called to carry out this altruistic gesture which can save many lives. Some people, such as thalassemia patients, need blood to live. There are ongoing studies on new therapies that could lead to a definitive cure for some patients, especially younger ones, but the road is still long and not everyone will be able to access it. For this reason, blood transfusion remains the main and safest therapy, and we hope that more and more people decide to become regular donors.

She herself is a patient and beneficiary of blood donations. Can you tell us about your experience?

I was diagnosed with thalassemia at three months of age. Until I was 19, I only received transfusions when necessary. Since then, I have been carrying out regular transfusions every 20 days at the Microcythemia Center in Reggio Calabria. Thalassemia is an inherited genetic disease that causes defects in the synthesis of hemoglobin, transmitted from healthy carrier parents.

In the ward, the Reggio Microcytemici Association donates the IV poles

Frequent transfusions cause iron overload, which is reduced by daily iron chelation therapy. Excess iron can severely damage organs such as the heart and liver, but new chelating drugs have dramatically improved our quality of life. I continue to have regular check-ups to prevent other pathologies. I have always faced everything with optimism, trying to live a normal life, among friends, travel and beautiful experiences.

In particular, what is the contribution of your association?

Our association, founded in 1977 by some parents, has always tried to help and support thalassemia children and their families. Today the association can count on the support of those children who have become adults to make people aware of this disease and to raise awareness among citizens of the importance of donating blood not only for us but for all those who need it. It undertakes, in the appropriate forums, to assert its rights and tries to bring the studies, new therapies and future prospects of the disease to the attention of its members.

What is the dialogue with associations such as Avis or Adspem and with local health institutions?

Luckily we can count on the contribution of companies such as Avis and Adspem who are committed every day to collecting blood between their offices or with extraordinary initiatives, through their blood banks. We often organize special events or collections together. As for our treatment center, which is like a second home for us, we get along well with both the doctors and the nurses. They care and worry about us as if we were their children. We hope it will always be like this. On a more general level, our diagnostic therapeutic care path has recently been approved. The hope is that it will also help doctors to understand the importance of having a multidisciplinary approach to the disease and that where there are shortcomings, which unfortunately exist in some areas, these will soon be resolved.

What message would you like to share with those who read us?

Blood is a fundamental resource that cannot be reproduced in the laboratory, essential in many situations. We could all need a blood bag at any time in our lives. There are times of the year, such as summer, when it is more difficult to find it.

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Illness doesn’t go on holiday and every month of the year is important for us. I would say to the people who read us: before leaving for your holidays, remember to donate. To those who have never done it, I can say that it is not dangerous, it does not involve risks, and it is a good way to monitor your health, as well as being a gesture of love towards others. To those who invest in Stefania and are already donors, I say from the bottom of my heart: thank you!

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