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from student services to the above-average employment rate. Discover them at the Open Day

Innovation, student support – both didactic and psychological – e excellent chance employment. If you were asked for your “wish list” for your ideal university, these would probably be the first items you would consider.

The good news is that a University who responds to this identikit, it already exists. The bad one? It’s just that perhaps you haven’t had the chance to get to know him yet.

Still… until now. Luckily, in fact, there is, always by your side in the most important moments of your life.

Today we’ll tell you about it L’Marche Polytechnic University, one of the best universities in Central Italy: let’s talk about a constantly evolving hubalways attentive to modern needs and, above all, to the prerogatives of the new generations.

Sustainability, psychological well-being and innovation are central to the philosophy of this university and emerge forcefully ineducational offer. Let’s talk about more than 70 scientific degree courses And transdisciplinarywhich they aim to create cutting-edge professionals.

Not to mention, then, that we are talking about one of the realities that offers the greatest opportunities from an employment point of view: the numbers speak clearly and say that, five years after graduation, The 92.4% of former students appears busy against a national average of 88.2%.

If you want to know more, we advise you not to miss the Open Day scheduled from 15 to 19 July, when the university opens its doors to future students. But we are only at the beginning: make yourself comfortable because in this article we will explain it to you the reality of the Polytechnic University of Marche and how this could be right for you.

Educational offer, courses that wink to the future: double degree opportunities and teaching in English

With 73 three-year, master’s and single-cycle degree courses, the educational system of the Polytechnic University of Marche stands out for the heterogeneity of the courses offered. In fact, all the courses revolve around study areas of Agriculture, Economics, Engineering, Science and Medicine, some of which are also provided in English language.

One of the advantages of attending this university, in fact, is the possibility of obtaining the double degree in such a way as to further enhance one’s path, also and above all from a work perspective.

The relationship that this university has established with local organizations, and beyond, allows connections with the world of work.

I am there are several offices scattered throughout the Marche region: from Ascoli Piceno to Ancona, passing through Fermo, Macerata and until we arrive in San Benedetto del Tronto and Pesaro.

The number of courses is growing dramatically but, for once, the quantity does not undermine the quality. In fact, know that the watchwords of the Polytechnic University of Marche are sustainability, multidisciplinarity and innovation. These are the pillars of the new ones courses which will be paid starting from the 2024-25 academic year. You can find them below:

  • Management for the sustainable valorization of companies and fish resources: This degree course is unique in its kind and throughout the national panorama three-yearly based in San Benedetto del Tronto aims to provide innovative, multidisciplinary training for sustainable management of companies and institutions involved in the fishing and aquaculture supply chain, that is, in the various sectors linked to the production, distribution, transformation, sale and use of seafood products. By choosing this course you will become a 360-degree professional, able to make use of both economic-business and legal skills and biological-environmental ones.

  • Cardiocirculatory Pathophysiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion Techniques: A three-year degree course, this one, which embraces the MedTech sector. The graduates of this path are gods health professionals which deal with diagnostic and therapeutic processes, carried out using specific technologies. It will be launched in the Ancona headquarters.

  • Energy infrastructure and logistics engineering in the port sector: This also master’s degreebased in Ancona, has a strong multidisciplinary connotation. By choosing it, you will study all the fundamentals of port engineering, starting from the basics. The aim is to train professionals capable of supporting the nautical and port sector to respond to modern market needs. For example: how to design and build less polluting boats? What are the new materials to be used in the construction of nautical sites? These and many other questions you will find yourself having to answer.

  • Landscape, Innovation and Sustainability: An inter-university master’s degree course with administrative headquarters at the University of Camerino, in Ascoli Piceno. The course aims to train a professional figure Landscaperinternationally recognized, who possesses relevant multidisciplinary skills landscape analysis, design, planning and management: all, obviously, with a strong propensity for innovation.

Psychological help desk, tutoring and tampon box

If the training offer has been designed to meet the many needs of the world of work, i university services were created to meet those of the members. Because only by improving the quality of places of study can students – and freshmen in particular – be put in a position to do well.

Here, then, is the Tutoring promoted by the university, it becomes an opportunity for novice students like you to compare notes, better understand their needs and thus be able to find their own path. The Tutors, students of the Universitythey have precisely the task of make your path easier: experiencing those spaces first hand, no one knows the internal dynamics of the university better than them.

Likewise, it Psychological helpdesk is configured as a support aimed at promoting the protection and well-being of students: a reserved, welcoming and listening space, where thanks to the help of qualified personnel it is possible to take advantage of useful support to deal with uncomfortable situations.

Last – certainly not least – is the initiative “Free without Fee”, slogan chosen by the students of the Polytechnic University of Marche to communicate a large project they have seen the installation of different Tampon boxes(free sanitary napkin dispensers), and the creation of video aimed at breaking down prejudices and clichés about menstruation once and for all.

Work, 9 out of 10 students find work immediately after graduation

And what if we told you that by attending the Polytechnic University of Marche you will have much more possibility of finding work compared to your colleagues from other realities?

It is not a figure of speech, but the reality of the facts. Second the XXVI Almalaurea report on the profile and condition of graduates, it emerges that the employment rate of graduates of this university is equal to 92.4%, against a national average of 88.2%.

A percentage that makes the Polytechnic University of Marche the fourth Italian university for employment rates.

It also contributes to embellishing this achievement the 2023 edition of the “GreenMetric World University Ranking”, the ranking that rewards universities based on their commitment to the topics of energy efficiency and social, economic and environmental sustainability: also on this front the university proves to be a step forward, ranking 107th on a global scale.

Erasmus+ Young and Campus World, the projects that make you discover the world

Thanks to international collaborations, the University allows you to move in a purely international dimension, involving its students in mobility initiatives abroad.

And we start at a very young age: the Polytechnic University of Marche was in fact the first in Italy to activate the ‘Erasmus Young’ project. The program, which has enjoyed enormous success among your peers, indeed aims to select participants in the project already from high schools.

But not only Erasmusthe university also has the project under its belt ‘Campus World’, which offered over 1300 students an educational experience, from 2 to 6 months, in 66 different countries. This is a great opportunity to increase job opportunities: over 80% of those who start with CampusWorld find work within 6 months of the end of the project.

The success of these initiatives arises above all from the desire to create a large international network, capable of supporting the proposals of very young people. In this regard, you should know that in 2025 Ancona will host the Erasmus Generation Meeting (EGM), the biggest event of the Erasmus Generation. The event is entirely organized by young volunteers from theErasmus Student Network and found a valid ally in the Polytechnic University of Marche.

Polytechnic University of Marche focuses on orientation: Looking to the Future, the Open Days from 15 to 19 July 2024

To learn more and learn more about the degree courses that this university offers, as well as the services and opportunities reserved for students, all you have to do is participate at the Open Days which will take place from 15 to 19 July 2024.

The appointment is an opportunity to discuss teachers, technical staff and tutors, but also to see with your own eyes what awaits you. “Looking to the future” – this is the name chosen for the event – is nothing other than one five days dedicated to the orientation of future freshmen.

Think of your future like a house: where to start building? From the foundations, obviously. In this sense, participate in the Open Days it will consist precisely in laying the foundations of your path.

Book your place starting from June 15th and read the program by clicking here!

Marche Polytechnic University

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