“Argument between Giambruno and Giuseppe Brindisi”: earthquake behind the Mediaset scenes

“Argument between Giambruno and Giuseppe Brindisi”: earthquake behind the Mediaset scenes
“Argument between Giambruno and Giuseppe Brindisi”: earthquake behind the Mediaset scenes

Andrea Giambruno has already alerted his lawyers. The first statements on the dispute with Giuseppe Brindisi: what does Meloni’s ex really want?

In the past few months Andrea Giambruno saw his life go to pieces in the space of a few hours. The ex-partner of the Prime Minister, and father of Giorgia Meloni’s only daughter, Ginevra, risked everything when Striscia La Notizia announced made some terrible outbursts public.

Andrea Giambruno and Giuseppe Brindisi, what’s happening? – Credit Mediaset – Abruzzo.cityrumors.it

As you will remember, in those films Giambruno used a inappropriate language with some female colleagues. The videos had been recorded on different occasions, a sign that it was not a single episode but a habitual attitude on the part of the journalist who, at the time, was conductor of Diary of the Day on Network 4.

Following that unpleasant event Andrea Giambruno was dumped via social media by Giorgia Meloni, who made it known in no uncertain terms end of a relationship that revealed itself to have been in crisis for a long time. At that point Giambruno was placed on the bench, and went back behind the scenes of Diary of the Day losing his job as host. He was chosen instead Giuseppe Brindisi and, since then, things have only gotten worse.

Giambruno against Brindisi: what does Meloni’s ex want?

The reason why Mediaset chose to entrust the Rete 4 morning information program to Giuseppe Brindisi is absolutely clear. Brindisi prefers very moderate language in giving the news, perfectly in line with Piersilvio Berlusconi’s editorial vision, who has been trying to radically change the face of Mediaset for some time.

Andrea Giambruno, here is the whole truth – Credit ANSA -Abruzzo.cityrumors.it

Today Giambruno is Chief Editor of the program and was able to keep his job by virtue of the fact that, despite everything, he enjoyed the esteem of his colleagues. According to what was reported by Libero, however, over time tensions with Giuseppe Brindisi have reached the roof and Giambruno he tolerates the moderate attitude of his successor very badly, making the life of the program impossible behind the scenes. It therefore seems that Meloni’s partner has begun to champing at the bit to get back in front of the camera but that Piersilvio Berlusconi is absolutely not willing to allow it.

In the meantime, Giambruno has already gone so far as to bring up his lawyers, who have had the task of muffling any rumors about a conflict with Brindisi, spreading a official statement always reported by Libero. According to this statement, Giambruno would not have had “any work conflict with Giuseppe Brindisi” and, again according to his version of facts, “if today he is the editor-in-chief of the Diario del giorno program and is not a host, this is not the result of any compulsion, but was desired by him and agreed together with Mediaset.”

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