Balneari Confcommercio: Carmelo Fiorillo, president of Sib Reggio Calabria, in the team of national president Capacchione

The positions within the SIB – Italian Seaside Union Confcommercio have been renewed with the confirmation by acclamation of the position of president of Antonio Capacchione, an entrepreneur from Puglia.

Carmelo Fiorillo, president of Sib Reggio Calabria and councilor of the provincial Confcommercio elected in the National Council, to form the president’s team. A great satisfaction not only for Fiorillo, a man of experience, very active and with a great knowledge of the problems of the sector, but also for the Reggio Calabria Confcommercio which, as the president Lorenzo Labate says, “also thanks to the election of Carmelo in the national assembly, can continue along the widely initiated path of giving greater substance to the great work carried out by Confcommercio in the area, creating links with the central decision-making structures. In fact, this is the only way to highlight the needs of the territory in the right places and make them “weight” adequately and, at the same time, the useful way to compare with other realities and collect the best experiences from other contexts”.

Fiorillo’s election comes at a particularly delicate moment for the Category, with the issue of the renewal of existing maritime state concessions “currently at the center of unprecedented administrative chaos. Like Sib – says Fiorillo – we will continue to follow the dossier with attention, firmness and with the utmost coherence as it is of vital importance for all of us operators. Naturally in the role that I am honored to hold and for which I thank the colleagues who have placed their trust in me, I will support the line decisively transferred in recent months by President Capacchione to the Government and the political world and which is also the line of the colleagues of the Reggio Sib : correctly apply the Bolkestein directive and equally correctly express the principle of competition. Which does not mean – concludes Fiorillo – simply replacing the current holders of existing concessions. Instead, it means eliminating known distortions, giving the right interpretation to the principle of “scarcity of state property resources”, protecting legality and protecting operators who deserve a regulatory framework that is finally clear and which overcomes the current critical issues”.

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