Doctor and mayoral candidate, Ciucci hospitalized: for transient cerebral ischemia

LECCE – Agostino Ciucci, medical director at the emergency room of the “Vito Fazzi” hospital in Lecce and in the political news in recent months due to his candidacy for the office of mayor in the Salento capital, was urgently transported to hospital, late this afternoon, due to a sudden illness.

As was suspected from the beginning, due to the symptoms he exhibited, Ciucci was suffering from ischemia. Fortunately, it became clear over the hours, it was a transitory form. Everything should be resolved thanks to thrombolytic therapy. His condition is currently considered good, despite having to remain under observation in the Neurology department for obvious precautionary reasons.

Fifty-nine years old in July, Ciucci was at home in the afternoon when he felt unwell. He had returned to his home at 8 in the morning, after having worked the night shift in the hospital. 118 was immediately called and health workers arrived on site who urgently transported him to the “Vito Fazzi” for all the tests – starting with the CT scan – and the necessary treatment. According to what we have learned, the good news is that complications appear to be excluded.

Agostino Ciucci, as mentioned, decided this year to approach active politics, competing for the office of mayor, with the support of a single list, the civic Rights and Freedoms. Despite a profession that it would be an understatement to define as demanding, he did not want to take advantage of electoral permits to manage the campaign, except for the last three days before the weekend of the consultations, because “it would not have been right to take care away from patients”, as he declared recently in an interview with our editorial staff.

Thus, he continued to work, to participate in meetings and debates, to meet citizens. A period of undoubted stress, in the face of which he obtained just over 800 votes, according to current data, placing himself last compared to the other candidates, but certainly believing he had done everything possible to represent different requests and novelties from the point of view of ideas and the political proposal.

Best wishes from the other candidates

“I have just learned the news of the sudden illness this afternoon of the candidate Agostino Ciucci, whom I have had the opportunity to know and appreciate on numerous occasions during this campaign. A competent, capable professional, a person who has always known how to compare himself with the other candidates without never be out of line and with calm tones. My affectionate embrace to Agostino and a wish for a speedy recovery”, the message from Adriana Poli Bortone.

Alberto Siculella also had a sincere thought. “Sometimes life is truly absurd. We didn’t know each other until two months ago. Then politics put us face to face with each other, even when the other mayoral candidates deserted the meetings. On the last occasion in which we We met and joked about my state of health, due to a heavy flu that I had been carrying for days. Today I find out about your hospitalization and I can only wish you the best for a speedy recovery, hoping that the stresses of these days are behind you and that you. may he come back in better shape than before.”

Carlo Salvemini’s contribution was not lacking. “I now learn with dismay at the end of a long day that Agostino Ciucci has been urgently admitted to hospital due to a sudden illness. My first thought naturally goes to his family who assists him in these difficult hours. When all our energies are dedicate yourself to something else, life is always there to remind you what your priorities should be. Come on Agostino, get back to good health soon.”

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