The Confcommercio assembly was held in Rome, with the Agrigento delegation also present

The Confcommercio assembly was held in Rome, with the Agrigento delegation also present
The Confcommercio assembly was held in Rome, with the Agrigento delegation also present

In Rome, the General Assembly of Confcommercio was celebrated at the Auditorium della Conciliazione in the presence of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. The work began with the report from the President of Confcommercio, Carlo Sangalli, who thanked the President of the Republic, highlighting the great honor for the entire Confederal system. Assembly work which ended with the intervention of the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso. The Agrigento delegation was also present with the president Giuseppe Caruana, Gero Niesi Provincial Vice President, Giuseppe Castellano Provincial President of the Young Entrepreneurs Group, Pendolin Rosary National Youth Coordinator of Assipan, Domenico Rotulo Provincial President of Com ufficio, Alfonso Valenza President of Federmoda Agrigento, Alberto Panarisi President of FNAARC Agrigento, Antonella Daniele Provincial President Tertiary Women, Davide Morreale Provincial president of Federcomated e Davide Montalbano representing the offices of Confcommercio Agrigento.

Those present at the public assembly gave President Sangalli heartfelt applause for a speech full of important messages in which he touched on every single relevant issue characterizing the particular historical moment our country is experiencing.

Economy, tourism, culture, professions, work, employment, Europe, cities, social gaps, are some of the topics addressed by Sangalli. The centrality of our companies, those in the tertiary sector, in creating employment. The president wanted to give the right emphasis to the so-called Digital Tax, reiterating the right taxation for those who operate on digital platforms: same market, same rules. Access to credit: a master key to accessing the future. And finally the importance of sustainability policies, sustainability which must be contextually environmental, social and economic or it is not.

The tertiary market, which is increasingly the “engine” of employment, was certainly the highlight of the meeting. The Italian economy continues to show important signs of improvement. Meanwhile, almost all national and international observers are revising growth forecasts for Italy for 2024 upwards, bringing them back to around 1%. The latest economic indications lead us to confirm an average change in GDP for the current year of 0.9%. The overall picture of these first months, although not particularly dynamic, consolidates the impression of a two-speed Italy. If, on the one hand, services, especially tourism, confirm the positive trends of recent years, on the other, the industry continues to show some difficulty in leaving behind a long phase of stagnation.

In 2023, the tertiary sector records a prevalence of female employment in some Italian regions, especially in the north of the country, the central regions and Sardinia are in the middle position while Campania is at the bottom of the ranking (39.3%) , Sicily (39.6%), Calabria (39.7%), Puglia (42.5%) and Basilicata (43.2%).

Sicily remains less rapid in its economic growth than northern Italy, but there are positive signs in the last year. After the disastrous phase of the pandemic, in fact, the unemployment rate, while remaining one of the worst in the country, dropped by 4 points. According to data collected by Svimez, the gross domestic product in Sicily will increase by 0.4% this year and by 0.5% in 2025. This is not a flattering figure, because other traditionally Cinderella regions of the south, such as Puglia and Campania, next year they will go to 1%.

Protection of competition to guarantee freedom of choice and therefore everyone’s freedom. The fight against desertification and active and adequate policies for urban regeneration are some of the topics addressed by President Mattarella, as well as the importance of the lights on in the cities, the lights of neighborhood shops, of their signs, unquestionably, safety safeguards that must also be seen as social agencies.

The Assembly was attended by the territorial delegations of the Confederal system representing the over 700 thousand associated companies in the trade, tourism, services, transport and logistics and professions sectors. Present in the audience, among others, was the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russathe Ministers Ciriani (Relations with Parliament), Plant yourself (Internal), Sangiulian (Culture), Santanchè (Tourism), Valditara (Instruction), Zangrillo (Public Administration) and the Deputy Minister of Economy Maurizio Leo; among politicians: Boccia, Casini, Cesa, Fassino, Gelmini, Lupi, Magi, Misiani, Paita, Ronzulli, Serracchiani, Tremonti; among others, the president of the CNEL Renato Brunettethe president of Abi Antonio Patuellithe general secretary of the CISL Luigi Barthe president of ANAC Giuseppe Busiathe president of Leonardo spa Stefano Pontecorvo.

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