14-15-16 June: the archaeological heritage in the spotlight, also in Manfredonia

14-15-16 June: the archaeological heritage in the spotlight, also in Manfredonia
14-15-16 June: the archaeological heritage in the spotlight, also in Manfredonia

The past comes back to the fore: spotlights on the archaeological treasures of Puglia.
From Friday 14 to Sunday 16 June 2024, the European Days of Archeology will be celebrated, an opportunity to delve into the thousand-year history of Apulian Castles, Museums and Parks.
The program of events scheduled in the places of culture belonging to the Regional Directorate of National Museums of Puglia is varied and for a heterogeneous public.

At the Castello Svevo in Bari, visitors will be able to admire the new exhibition itinerary. The visit of the new exhibition in the Sala Angioina, focused on the “Archaeology of the Castle”, combined with the recent immersive and multimedia installations, will lead the visitor to the knowledge of the most ancient phases of the Castle. Appointment on Friday and Saturday at both 10.30am and 4.00pm.
Entrance at the ordinary cost and event included in the price.

The Antiquarium and archaeological park of Canne della Battaglia opens the deposits: conceived and designed not only as places dedicated to the conservation of the archaeological heritage, unknown to non-experts, but also as spaces dedicated to knowledge and sharing, the deposits will be open to the public with a view to participatory use. Once they enter the basement (which will be accessible on Saturday and Sunday from 4.00pm to 6.00pm) visitors will find themselves faced with experimentation places where content is constructed and data is processed.
Furthermore, again on Saturday and Sunday, two guided tours will be organized at the same site (11.00 am and 4.00 pm) of the exhibition in the Antiquarium.

Entrance at the ordinary cost and events included in the price.

At the National Archaeological Museum of Canosa di Puglia, from 14 June the exhibition Images of Daunia will be open to visitors, examples of participation in which the Daunia stele purchased in 2017 at an auction in London by the Apulia Felix Onlus Foundation is the protagonist. After being exhibited in a series of museums in Puglia thanks to the interest of the Canosa Archaeological Foundation and the Puglia Regional Directorate of National Museums, the stele will be exhibited at the Canosa Museum throughout the summer. For the occasion, a fragment of stele with traces of polychromy donated to the Museum in 2012 will also be exhibited to the public for the first time.
Entrance at the ordinary cost and event included in the price.

At the National Archaeological Museum of Altamura space for the penultimate event of “Stories in history. Literary aperitif at the Museum”, the project designed to give life to moments of sharing, comparison and discussion on issues closely linked to the Murgia area and the people who inhabited it, using an environment different from the canonical one as a literary space. As a backdrop, the finds dating back to the Paleolithic from the most significant southern contexts. The initiative is in collaboration with Feltrinelli Point of Altamura.
On the occasion of the GEA, the book “A spade and pickaxe” by Vincenzo A. Scalfari will be presented on Friday 14 June starting from 4.30 pm. A wine tasting will be held on the sidelines of the meeting.

Entrance at the ordinary cost and event included in the price.

The National Archaeological Museum and Castle of Gioia del Colle has both activities for children and adults. The “Object Hunt” is dedicated to the little ones, during which children will be invited to look for the artefacts on which the heroes of the myth are depicted and the educational workshop “Color heroes and myths.
The event “Gods, heroes of myth and common people” will, however, give an adult audience the opportunity to take part in a guided tour dedicated to the finds decorated with figures of gods and mythical heroes, also focusing on the objects of everyday life. The events are scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday in various time slots as per the program available on the Management website.
For activities intended for an adult audience, entry at the ordinary cost and event included in the price; for activities aimed at children: the latter are guaranteed free entry into the Museum; the cost of the laboratory is, however, equal to 8.00 Euros.

At the Archaeological Park of Monte Sannace, on Friday 15 June starting from 10.00 am, for an audience of children, a co-design and co-construction workshop will be organized for functional panels for the next construction of the playground within the site inclusive for all types of disabilities. Starting from 11.00 there will be space for the presentation of the novel “A spade and pickaxe” by Vincenzo Scalfari.
On Sunday 16 June starting from 10.00, Professor Donatella Nuzzo of the Aldo Moro University of Bari will hold a guided tour of the excavation underway on the acropolis of Monte Sannace, from which important evidence from the late ancient period is emerging.
Entrance at the ordinary cost and events included in the price

The Regional Directorate of Puglia National Museums and the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Barletta-Andria-Trani and Foggia, in collaboration with the University of Foggia, the University of Bari and the McGill University of Montreal (Canada ) and the Archeosipontum association also organize guided visits to the Siponto Archaeological Park and the archaeological excavations currently underway. During the three days dedicated to archaeology, in addition to the story of the most recent discoveries which open up new interpretations on the medieval remains of the city of Siponto, there will be a moment dedicated to children to talk about one of the most fascinating professions of all time through a film and educational activities .
Entrance at the ordinary cost and event included in the price.

The National Archaeological Museum “Matteo Sansone” of Mattinata organizes “Archeology in small steps”, the initiative born in collaboration with the Italian Library Association – Puglia section – and the national program Born to read, designed to introduce children aged between 4 and 7 to the world of archeology and the objects normally exhibited in a museum, through readings aloud. Appointment on Friday 14 June at 5.00 pm when the group of NpL Puglia volunteers from Mattinata, Monte Sant’Angelo and Manfredonia will meet children and families for a shared moment of reading dedicated to archaeology.
Entrance at the ordinary cost and event included in the price.

We repeat with the readings aloud by the same group of volunteers on Saturday 15 June starting from 5.00 pm, this time, however, at the National Archaeological Museum and Castle of Manfredonia.
Entrance at the ordinary cost and event included in the price.

More information and details on the initiatives on the Management website: https://museipuglia.cultura.gov.it/

Equally numerous are the initiatives proposed by non-state Apulian museums. For the list and details, you can consult the dedicated web page on the Ministry’s website: https://cultura.gov.it/evento/gea2024

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