The ambulance machine-gunned in Ukraine stops in Novara

The ambulance riddled with machine gun fire from Ukraine also stops in Novara. It is located in the Broletto courtyard (Corso Italia side) and will remain there until tomorrow, 13 June, to then continue its journey towards other Italian cities after having already been to other European cities.

A symbol against all forms of war, hit in September 2022 near Kharkiv by hundreds of bullets and splinters from Russian missiles while providing aid to a wounded civilian: the rescue personnel did not even have time to load the wounded man onto the ‘ambulance, because just thirty seconds after the arrival of the doctors the first burst of machine gun fire arrived and damaged the vehicle.

This rescue vehicle is part of the “UKRAINEISCALLING” campaign launched by a non-profit organization based in Luxembourg, “Lukraine”, and aims to collect donations for the purchase of 112 new ambulances for Ukraine.

To date, 70 have already been purchased and sent. Of these, 8 were delivered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Luxembourg and 14 armored ambulances were financed by the Ministry of Defense of Luxembourg and used for rescue services for the front lines .

«In a moment like this – underlines Father Yuriy Yvanyuta, representative of the Ukrainian community of Novara – the solidarity we ask for is to help us find the funds to provide aid to those living in war zones».

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