European elections, here are the first ballots. In the province FdI at 34.46% and Democratic Party at 30.12. But in the city it’s neck and neck

European elections, here are the first ballots. In the province FdI at 34.46% and Democratic Party at 30.12. But in the city it’s neck and neck
European elections, here are the first ballots. In the province FdI at 34.46% and Democratic Party at 30.12. But in the city it’s neck and neck

In the capital there is a very interesting fact according to the first results of the ballots: a head-to-head between the Brothers of Italy, which still confirms itself as the first party at provincial level, and the Democratic Party. In the European elections, in fact, with 102 out of 160 sections scrutinized, the Melonians obtained 31.42% while the Democratic Party took 31.40%. At the provincial level, the gap is higher. Fd’I is at 34.46% against 30.12% of the Dems. In Ferrara, the League exceeds 8.5% while in the city it gains more than nine percentage points. Forza Italia has a more or less similar result, just above 7.2%. The Pentastellati fall both in the province and in Ferrara: to 6.42% and 6.40% respectively. In Argenta, the Pd is in first place with 40.97%, while Fd’I is at 31.79%. The League, despite the upheavals, is at 6.90%, while the 5 Star Movement is at 5.71% above FI which remains at just over five percentage points. Fd’I’s exploit in Copparo which stands at 35.71%, while the Pd is at 31.13%. The League exceeds ten percentage points. Here too, the Five Star Movement has the upper hand over Forza Italia: 6.80% against 6.37%. At the provincial level, Avs is at 4.76, while the 5 Star Movement is at 6.42%. But let’s look in detail at the results of the main parties in the last 2019 elections. At the provincial level, the first party was the League, which took 41.93% of the votes. In second place, we find the Democratic Party, with 25.45%. In third place, however, was the 5 Star Movement which totaled 11.48%. Forza Italia took 5.85% while, slightly below, Fratelli d’Italia totaled 5.29%. Green Europe stopped at 2.45% and +Europa gained 3.15%. Let’s look at the capital municipality. As the first party, again, we find the League which won 36.65% of the votes. In Ferrara, in contrast to the provincial context, the Democratic Party held up well, obtaining 29.03%. The figure for Fratelli d’Italia also went against the trend and, albeit slightly, surpassed Forza Italia. Respectively, the Melonians took 5.78%, while the Azzurri scored 5.60%. The Five Star Movement, however, broke through the ten percentage point barrier. Also bucking the trend was the figure for +Europa which, in the city compared to the provincial level, took 4.55%. Let’s take a step back. Ten years ago. European Championships 2014. Another world, other percentages. At the provincial level, the Democratic Party obtained a rather consistent result: it came close to 50%, to be precise it obtained 49.60%. The second force on the podium was the 5 Star Movement, which took almost twenty percent. Forza Italia obtained 13.8%, the League stopped at 5.97%, while Fratelli d’Italia (which also bore the name of Alleanza Nazionale), stood at 3.70%. Among others, there was also Tsipras’ party, which took 3.38%. Let’s look at what happened in the city instead. Very first place, also confirming the trend at a local level, goes to the Democratic Party with 52.08% of votes. Data in contrast, however, for the five stars who never ‘broke through’ in the capital despite having achieved a 16.88% which placed them in second place on the ‘podium’. The Azzurri came in third place with a total of 12.22% (down compared to the figure recorded on a provincial scale). In fourth place, differently from what happened in the province, in the city it was not the Carroccio but Tsipras’ left that asserted itself in the fourth place. In fact, ‘The Other Europe’ took 5.04%, while the League managed to gain 4.81%. Immediately after, we find Fratelli d’Italia which totaled 4.25%. A look at the 2022 policies, referring to the data for the elections to the House. At the provincial constituency level, in the constituency, Fd’I collected 30.30%, the League took 10.36% while Forza Italia collected 6.47%. The Democratic Party took 23.77% and the 5 Star Movement took 8.52%. In the capital municipality, Fratelli d’Italia established itself as the first party with 26.25%, the League with 8.80% while Forza Italia took 5.39%. The Democratic Party obtained a higher figure than the Province, reaching 25.96%. The 5 Star Movement took 8.99%. The ‘Third Pole’ took slightly less, 8.82%. In the single-member Senate, Fd’I is the first party with 26.4%, Lega at 8.81% and FI at 5.02%. The Dems took 26.26%, Avs took 5.22% while the 5 Star Movement took 8.82%. The ‘Third Pole’ stopped at 8.71%.

Federico Di Bisceglie

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