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Europeans, the Marche region looks to the future: Acquaroli-Ricci, it’s already a duel

Europeans, the Marche region looks to the future: Acquaroli-Ricci, it’s already a duel
Europeans, the Marche region looks to the future: Acquaroli-Ricci, it’s already a duel

Ancona, 10 June 2024 – Brothers of Italy ends up with 32.90% with an even better result than the 2022 policies (29.14%), but also the Pd clearly rising to 25.50% (20.37% at the 2022 policies), Lega at 8.19% and Forza Italia at 7.01%, Five Stars at 9.68% (13.58% at the 2022 policies) e Greens and Left Alliance at 5.72% double the policies. The other parties everyone below the threshold of 4%.

THE results from the European elections in the Marche with a view to the 2025 regional elections, they bring good news for the centre-right majority that governs the Region and the country, but also for the centre-left opposition. And it wasn’t a given. That instead the wind of abstentionismdespite the run-up and appeals from national leaders and the presence of as many as fifteen people from the Marche on the lists in the field for a seat in Strasbourg in the district of central Italy (Lazio, Marche, Tuscany and Umbria), it was almost to be expected. Well, the comparison with the turnout at the European elections five years ago is almost merciless: with the polls closed, the percentage of voters in the region was 54.56% against the 62.14% of the 2019.

Other elections, other times: those of the “overcoat” of League jumped to 37.98% from just 3% in 2014, after the exploit of the Five Stars movement in the political elections of the previous year, over 35%. Thus it was that the red region first became yellow and then green in the space of just two years, only to then turn right in the 2020 regional elections, when with the League at 22.5% and the Brothers of Italy on the lift at 18, 7% (in the European elections the year before, Giorgia Meloni’s party had obtained just 5.8%), Francesco Acquaroli (49.1%) trailed the candidate of the center-left orphan of the Five Star Movement by almost twelve points, Maurizio Mangialardi (Pd, 37.3%), called upon to undertake the arduous, if not desperate, task of chasing the long wave of the centre-right and bridging a gap that the polls on the eve of the day considered to be abysmal. The rest it’s recent history – the rise of Giorgia Meloni and Fratelli d’Italia (first party in the region with 29.14% in the 2022 political elections) up to Palazzo Chigi, Elly Schlein’s PD grappling with a wide field in search of an author – , but five years in politics can also be a geological era, especially in times of fluid parties and a “mobile” or fickle electorate, which is always free to leave. And it is no coincidence that looking at regional 2025, Matteo Ricci, outgoing mayor of Pesaro and candidate of the Democratic Party, the strong man of the center-left in the Marche, had wanted to measure every European vote for the center-left as “the first eviction notice to the Acquaroli council”, and in perspective as a mortgage, or almost, on the candidacy for the regional challenge. But if the trend is the one described by the first data, Brothers of Italy not only holdsbut even increases the spoils of policiesa good signal for the majority in the Region, from whose ranks the European candidatures of Carlo Ciccioliformer group leader of FdI in the regional council, as well as Mirco Carloni, Northern League deputy and former regional councilor.

Returning to the turnout data, Pesaro and Urbino it is the province that registered the highest voter turnout with a turnout of 62.52%, net of the fact – far from negligible – that in those parts there was a vote for the mayor and council of both capitals, Pesaro and Urbino. Data from other provinces: ad Ancona 52.03% of those entitled voted, a Macerata 50.9%, a Stopped 48.6% and others Ascoli 57.9%. Meanwhile, today we await the verdict of the vote in the 148 municipalities of the region, starting from the three provincial capitals – Pesaro, a stronghold of the Democratic Party, Urbino and Ascoli -, but also Fano, Osimo, Recanati and Potenza Picena, stronghold of the governor Acquaroli.

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