From the ancient ceramics of Arezzo to the art of Giorgio Vasari: the Vasari “potters” told in an exhibition

From the ancient ceramics of Arezzo to the art of Giorgio Vasari: the Vasari “potters” told in an exhibition
From the ancient ceramics of Arezzo to the art of Giorgio Vasari: the Vasari “potters” told in an exhibition

Arezzo, 10 June 2024 – An exhibition itinerary to retrace the connection of the Vasari family with the ancient Arezzo manufacturing, starting from the potter profession practiced by the grandfather of the most famous Giorgio, Giorgio di Lazzaro Taldi.

The exhibition “The Vasari “potters” and ancient Arezzo ceramic production” curated by Maria Gatto opens on Wednesday 12 June at 4.30 pm at the National Archaeological Museum ‘Gaio Cilnio Mecenate’ in Arezzo (via Margaritone 10). Thus continues the complex program of events celebrating “Arezzo.

The city of Vasari”, which until February 2025 will pay homage to the Arezzo master on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of his death, promoted by the Municipality of Arezzo and the CR Firenze Foundation with the Guido D’Arezzo Foundation, in collaboration with the Regional Directorate of National Museums of Tuscany of the Ministry of Culture, Uffizi Galleries, with the curatorship of the scientific committee chaired by Carlo Sisi.

The National Archaeological Museum of Arezzo participates in the celebrations by telling in this exhibition, through literary references, documents and finds, the links of the author of the Lives with the antiquities of his land. Among these, the Arezzo vases and the Chimera occupy a prominent place, very high products of a local craftsmanship refined in technique and cultured in iconographic inspirations in which Vasari recognized the expression of the Etruscan manner.

The first stage of the exhibition allows you to enter the world of the Arretina vasa and appreciate them by adopting Vasari’s perspective. These table ceramics typical of Roman Arezzo and of extraordinary fortune in ancient times constitute part of our Giorgio’s experience in two respects: on the one hand – like the Arezzo people of all times – he is a direct and admired witness of continuous discoveries in the many city ​​construction sites; on the other hand he has some beautiful red vases, a knowledge mediated by family memories, which he brings back to us.

The exhibition, full of ideas and references, explains the origin of the name “Vasari” and tells, paraphrasing a passage from the Life of his ancestor Lazzaro, the extraordinary events of his grandfather Giorgio di Lazzaro, “vasaro” and archaeologist ante litteram, as well as responsible – thanks precisely to the Arezzo vases – of a first precious contact with the Medici family. The exhibition ends with an invitation to search in Vasari’s paintings for references to the rich iconographic repertoire attested to on the coral-coloured vases decorated in relief.

A section dedicated to reproductions of the Chimera could not be missing which, due to its technical quality and the inscription on the right front paw, is also for Vasari the most evident example of the Etruscan manner, the artistic style of the Etruscans. In addition to in-depth textual and iconographic content, this stage of the exhibition offers a multimedia experience of the Chimera, with a real-size tactile reproduction and holographic projection of the statue in the different phases of the restoration.

“The program of events included in the Vasari year continues with an original and certainly interesting exhibition itinerary. The Archaeological Museum, a very precious reality of the city of Arezzo, participates with its extraordinary collection of arretina vasa, inspiration and object of study of the skilled potter grandfather of the Renaissance Master described in this exhibition.

Another opportunity for an experience of art and beauty, both for the people of Arezzo and for the many tourists who already flock to the city”, declared the mayor and president of the Guido d’Arezzo Foundation Alessandro Ghinelli. “We are happy, as a system of the Arezzo state museums, to offer these important scientific and exhibition contributions to the Vasari celebrations, in consideration of the many close links of our museums with the life and work of the great artist, who with his activity influenced the entire sixteenth century not only Tuscan – says Stefano Casciu, Regional Director of the National Museums of Tuscany -.

With this exhibition at the Gaio Cilnio Mecenate Archaeological Museum our journey begins, which develops starting from this original reading of the Arretina vasa collections in relation to the traditions of the Vasari family. The exhibitions organized at the Casa Vasari Museum and at the National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art will follow in the coming months.”

“The Museum participates in the Vasari celebrations with a curious contribution – underlines the curator Maria Gatto – which highlights little-known aspects of Giorgio Vasari, from the origin of the family name, to the special link with ancient Arezzo ceramic production, up to the first contact with the House of Medici.

The exhibition was also an opportunity for an in-depth study of historical-archaeological research, with the reconstruction of the investigations that have taken place over the centuries in the Carcerelle area starting from the first excavations of Giorgio di Lazzaro and with the recovery of information in the archives and materials in the warehouses, in particular from the Gamurrini, Funghini and Gorga collections. The route aimed at adults is accompanied by contents aimed at children, with the kitten Gaio as Messer Giorgio’s gracious guest.”

On the occasion of the opening, extracts from “Le Vite” edited by Samuele Boncompagni will be read, the exhibition will then be open until 2 February 2025 from Monday to Saturday 9.00-19.30, Sundays and holidays 9.00-14.00 with entry included in the museum ticket and the first Sunday of the month with free admission 9.00-19.30. For the next European Archeology Days, Saturday 15 June at 4.30 pm guided tour with curator Maria Gatto included in the entrance ticket (info and reservations: [email protected]).

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