European Championships, Campania goes against the trend: Pd first, then M5s and FdI Napoli, the wide field wins

European Championships, Campania goes against the trend: Pd first, then M5s and FdI Napoli, the wide field wins
European Championships, Campania goes against the trend: Pd first, then M5s and FdI Napoli, the wide field wins

European Championships, Campania goes against the trend: Pd first, then M5s and FdI Napoli, the wide field wins

The most voted is Giorgia Meloni. Behind her is dem Lello Topo

Naples. The outcome of the vote in Campania is in contrast with the national result, where the first party is the Democratic Party, ahead of the 5 Star Movement, the third Brothers of Italy. The final overall turnout figure was very low, at 44% with the negative record in Naples of just over 36%.

It is the Dems who conquer the ‘victory’ with 22.2. Followed by the 5 Stars at 20.7, Giorgia Meloni’s party is third with over 19 percent while Forza Italia comes close to 11. Beyond the quorum the Green Alliance and the Left, at 7. United States of Europe also did well at 6.8 while the League was at 5.7. The other parties are below 4 percent, starting with Azione di Calenda.

Surprising data also from the disaggregated vote. Also including the province, the 5 Star Movement is the leading party between Naples and the province with almost 25 percent. The Pd exceeds 24, FdI is third with more than 15 percent.

In the city of Naples the broad side wins: the center-left alliance that led to the election of the current mayor Gaetano Manfredi obtains a significant result exceeding 50 percent. First by a margin is the Democratic Party with 26.6 ahead of M5S with 26.5. Important result for Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra at 12.75 which almost reaches FdI at 13.25 while Forza Italia goes just over 6 percent. The 5 Star Movement is also the first party in the Caserta area while the Democratic Party ‘wins’ in Avellino.

In Benevento Fratelli d’Italia is the first party, a record it also conquers in Salerno, the city of the governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, leading the Democratic Party by 6 points. But in Sannio the United States of Europe boom stands out over 15.8. Running for this party was the former parliamentarian Sandra Lonardo, wife of Clemente Mastella, mayor of Benevento.

Compared to the previous European elections in 2019 in Campania, the Democratic Party grows by around 3 points while the collapse of the 5 Star Movement stands out, which loses 13 points and the League which in Campania goes from 19 percent to just under 6. A notable leap forward however for Fratelli d’Italia which goes from just under 6 percent to over 19. Forza Italia is down, losing around 3 points. With the counting almost complete, the most voted in Campania is Giorgia Meloni with 173,622 votes, followed by Lello Topo of the Democratic Party with 111,641 and Lucia Annunziata, again with the Dems, with 106,640 votes.

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