Lombardy, the results of the 2024 European elections

If the turnout shows a further collapse in voter participation – with just over one in two Lombards going to vote – the European elections show a result in the region with some differences from the national figure: because here the gap between FdI is widening and Pd to the advantage of the party of Giorgia Melonithe League surpasses and abundantly Forza Italia, as Matteo Salvini would also have liked at the national level, and both the coalition Renzi-Bonino of United States of Europe Share of Calendar they are above the threshold of 4%, even if this obviously has no impact on the final result which excludes the two former centrist allies from the European Parliament.

Milan, however, overturns everything: in the city the Democratic Party takes home 31.38% of the votes, FdI is ten points behind (at 21.73%) and the third party is the Green and Left Alliance, driven by the candidacy of Ilaria Salis, with 10.52%. Forza Italia is fourth with 8.87% and Matteo Salvini records the most bitter defeat in his city, also surpassed by Action (6.46%) and the United States of Europe (6.37) and stopping at 6.145, not far from M5S which managed a 5.26.

The situation changes when considering the votes of the entire metropolitan city. Here Forza Italia is third party with 9.14% of the votes, followed by Alleanza Verdi Sinistra with 8.75 and the League with 8.50.

Abstention weighs heavily. The definitive figure in the region is 55.29% of eligible voters who went to the polls, compared to 64.1% five years ago. Milan does even worse, 52.9% compared to 61.18 in 2019.

Only the three provincial capital cities where the European elections were combined with the municipal elections fared better: in Bergamo, Cremona and Pavia the count to find out who the new mayor or mayoress will be starts at 3pm, but in the meantime it is certain that the outgoing mayor of Bergamo Giorgio Gori is elected to the European Parliament after Cecilia Strada, the Democratic leader in the North-West.

The choice to nominate General Roberto Vannacci also pays off in the North West, and in particular in Lombardy, where the League was born, as he has by far the record of preferences in the Northern League (176,622 in the constituency of which 113,411 in Lombardy) even if he was last on the list. This is more than double the preferences obtained by the leaders Silvia Sardone, second with 68412 votes (of which 55101 in Lombardy. However, she does not appear to have paid for Umberto Bossi’s endorsement for Marco Reguzzoni, former group leader of the Northern League in the Chamber who was nominated with Forza Italia he obtained 6828 preferences of which 6531 in Lombardy.

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