Tension skyrocketed during the elections in Perugia: a fight almost came close

Tension skyrocketed during the elections in Perugia: a fight almost came close
Tension skyrocketed during the elections in Perugia: a fight almost came close

Tension skyrocketed during the elections in Perugia: a fight almost came close

On Sunday 9 June, during the second day of voting for the local and European elections, a high-tension episode shook an electoral section in Madonna Alta, Perugia. A heated verbal clash between Enrico Biagioli, candidate of Perugia Civica, and some representatives of the centre-left list risked degenerating into a brawl.

The altercation, which attracted the attention of everyone present, required the intervention of the police and other law enforcement agencies to prevent the situation from getting out of hand. According to reports, words between the parties involved quickly escalated, leading to a climate of great tension that threatened to result in physical violence.

Among those present there was also the deputy of the 5 Star Movement, Emma Pavanelli. The timely intervention of the authorities allowed order to be re-established, preventing the verbal conflict from turning into a physical altercation.

This episode takes place in a context of great electoral participation in Umbria, which saw a turnout higher than the national average. The Umbrians were called to the polls to elect their representatives in the European Parliament and to renew the municipal administrations. In Perugia, in particular, the municipal elections saw a notable participation, with a turnout of 56.08% for the municipal elections and 57.55% for the European elections in the Umbrian capital.

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