Woman emergency hospitalized at the “Bonomo” hospital in Andria following a serious accident that occurred in Barletta

Woman emergency hospitalized at the “Bonomo” hospital in Andria following a serious accident that occurred in Barletta
Woman emergency hospitalized at the “Bonomo” hospital in Andria following a serious accident that occurred in Barletta

Serious car accident the one that occurred on the evening of Sunday 9 June Barlettawhere four people were injured following a collision:

According to what we learn, it was a car and a motorbike that collided, for reasons still under investigation. via Traniat the junction of the SS16bis, in the same area where, on 8 June, another accident occurred. Rescuers intervened at the scene of the accident 118 and the police. An injured woman was rushed tocode red” at the“Bonomo” hospital in Andria. A man was also seriously injured while another woman was hospitalized under “code yellow”.

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