“In ’77 I got off stage to fight”


by Claudio Salvi

Edoardo Bennato will be one of the protagonists of the Saftey Life concert, an evening event to celebrate the “Urbino Charter”, dedicated to workplace safety scheduled for Tuesday evening (9pm), in Piazza del Popolo. BigMama will also be there; Francesco Barra; Coma-Things; Leo Gassman; Malika Ayane; Neri Marcorè; Naomi; Piero Pelù and Stefano Massini.

Welcome to the theme of the work and the songs. For many years songwriters have been busy with other things. Are you, who was also born in Bagnoli, among them or not?

““Those who are forced to emigrate home will return“: “Detto tra noi“ (1973). “Don’t play the victim if you have to sacrifice yourself, because in the name of the nation’s progress, after all you can always emigrate“: “In line to three” (1974). “Steel station, Bagnoli station, of power games, of workers’ struggles”: “Sleeping Beauty” (2020). My father worked at Italsider in Bagnoli for 40 years for which, in my own way, I believe I have addressed the topic of work”.

In 2025 it will be 60 years of career. How has Bennato’s song changed in all these years?

“By using irony I believe I have addressed many themes, including work, trying to highlight the paradoxes and schizophrenias of a society that is only apparently rational. They have always, in substance, been the same.”

What remains today of the original Bennato?

“The tendency to go in a stubborn and contrary direction waving a single flag: that of rock”.

Rock, folk, blues, she has always liked mixing genres and instruments. Did you feel freer when it was a one man show?

“I use whatever musical formula I can use to make my music. The important thing is that the audience has fun; and so do I.”

“Torre di Babele” and “Puppetino senza fili”, which of these would you say is the most important album of your career?

“There isn’t a favorite album but, statistics in hand, “Purattino senza fili“ broke sales records and made me known to the general public.”

His love for Rossini and comic opera is well known. Pesaro saw her as the protagonist of a concert a few years ago dedicated to the Swan.

“I maintain that if Rossini had been born in the 1960s, he would have become one of the Rolling Stones. Very strong. Even today, he is always present in my play lists!”.

The reissue of “La Torre di Babele” includes two recordings of the legendary concert in Pesaro in 1977 which went down in history for the riots and for its “courage” in facing the so-called perpetrators. What do you remember about that evening?

“We immediately realized that it would be a difficult evening. I had my childhood friends with me who accompanied me. After the first 4 or 5 songs, a handful of those who at the time called themselves songwriters arrived. In reality, the cost of the ticket was low because I imposed popular prices at the cost of leaving. The point is that they only wanted to exercise violence and had their money’s worth with the usual insipid slogans like: “Bennato, Bennato, the system bought you!” part and began to rail against them. Furthermore, they thought they would find the star accompanied by managers, but instead they found one more enraged than them accompanied by friends who came from the Italsiser in Bagnoli, tempered by the smoke from the chimneys. A formidable fistfight arose. I put down the guitar, took off my dark glasses and launched myself from the stage towards the one I had identified as the leader of the group. They didn’t expect it. I went back on stage and picked up the guitar again and my friends were right about them simply walking away. We were 5 against 20. It was a beautiful concert. Only at the end did I realize that my shirt had been cut by the blade of a knife which, however, had not nicked me. Massimo, one of mine, boasted two black eyes but like the others he had sold his life dearly. Oh yes, other times!”.

What will Bennato do in the next few years?

“Rock what else can I do?”.

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