Novara weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 10 June


Variable weather conditions are expected in Novara on Monday 10 June with precipitation during the day. The morning will start with few clouds and a temperature that will remain around +18.1°Cperceived as +18.2°C. During the morning, cloud cover will decrease slightly, while maintaining partially cloudy sky conditions. Temperatures will gradually rise, reaching i +25.4°C around noon.

In the afternoon the weather conditions will change, with the arrival of light rains which will intensify throughout the day. Maximum temperatures will be around +25.9°C at about 1:00 pm, and then decreased slightly during the afternoon. Moderate rain is forecast for the afternoon hours, with intensity that may reach 1.05mm at about 3pm.

The evening in Novara will be characterized by moderate rainfall, with an increase in cloud cover and temperatures decreasing compared to the afternoon. Precipitation may be more intense, with values ​​reaching 1.95mm at about 7:00 pm. Temperatures will be around +17.7°C.

In conclusion, an unstable day is expected in Novara on Monday 10 June with precipitation that will affect most of the day. Maximum temperatures will be recorded during the morning, while in the afternoon and evening there will be a drop in temperatures due to the rain. It is advisable to pay attention to changing weather conditions and bring an umbrella to face the expected rain.

All the weather data for Monday 10 June in Novara

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