The city council in Parma remembers Matteotti

The Parma City Council dedicates a tribute to Giacomo Matteotti 100 years after his assassination, on Monday 10 June, at the start of the session scheduled for 3pm.

A tribute in which the Fratelli d’Italia council group will not take part. It will be a collective memory with the reading, by the mayor Michele Guerra, the council and the city councilors of the various political parties present in the city council, of the last speech that the Honorable Matteotti held in parliament on 3 May 1924.

Participating – the Municipality says – are the Pd, Gruppo Vignali mayor, Effetto Parma, Lega, Prospettiva, EuropaVerde, Sinistra Coraggiosa, Azione, Dario Costi Ora un Progetto di Comunità, Civiltà Parmigiana.

Indeed, the representatives of the Fratelli d’Italia group with Bocchi and Giuseppe Tramuta are missing, whose declarations on gender equality at work made the rounds in Italy a few days ago.

“With this initiative – observes Alinovi – we underline the values ​​of freedom, democracy and anti-fascism that his tragic death embodied, values ​​that we have the duty to practice and safeguard”.

Palestinian flag displayed in the town hall in Parma by city councilors. Fdi complaint

05 June 2024

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