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Monday 10 June 2024 at 10.30 am at Villa Jamele, Orsara di Puglia.

Monday 10 June 2024 at 10.30 am at Villa Jamele, Orsara di Puglia.
Monday 10 June 2024 at 10.30 am at Villa Jamele, Orsara di Puglia.

Wild herbs and Mediterranean nutrition: sustainability and well-being at the table” is the title of the scheduled meeting Monday 10 June 2024 at 10.30 am Orsara of Puglia at Villa Jamele (via Piana della Corte).

The event falls within “Good to Know” projectrealized by Cittadinanzattiva Puglia Aps following the memorandum of understanding signed by Consumer Associations and from Puglia region for the realization of Consumer protection program 2023/2024.
Objective of the meeting, in which the students of the ITET Giannone Masi of Foggia and of the IPSSAR attached to the Convitto Nazionale “R. Bongos” of Lucerais to spread greater knowledge both to educate about consumption and to promote the importance of a healthy Mediterranean diet which is also sustainable.

This is why Cittadinanzattiva Puglia Aps has chosen how testimonial of the event is the peasant chef Peppe Zullo, profound connoisseur of wild herbs and supporter of the Mediterranean diet. «Simple, healthy and democratic. These are the adjectives that should always denote Italian cuisine, made with typical products, children of biodiversity, following the seasonality of the land’s products”, he explains Peppe Zullowhose motto is “Simple food for intelligent people“, who adds: «Food is fundamental for our health, sometimes we forget this».

The morning will be opened by one guided tour of the forest of lost flavors in the Valley of Happinesswhich will allow you to learn about wild herbs and native species, from nettle and butcher’s broom shoots, to rocket and wild asparagus, but also chicory, borage, marasciuoli…
Work will then begin with Pio Bufanoregional manager of the CittadinanzAttiva Puglia Consumer Network and with greetings from the Mayor of Orsara di Puglia Mario Simonelliof those responsible for consumer protection in the Puglia Region Cristiano Gramatica And Giulia De Marcoby the President of the IPC Istituto Pugliese Consumo Emilio Di Conza.
They will speak at the meeting, moderated by journalist Danila Paradiso Pasquale Venerito of the “Basile Caramia” Research, Experimentation and Training Center in Agriculture; the peasant cook Peppe Zullo and the regional secretary Cittadinanzattiva Puglia Matteo Valentino.
«Cittadinanzattiva Puglia, with the support of the academic world, works to deepen and spread sustainable ways of producing that are attentive to consumer needs», underlines Matteo Valentino.

The morning will end with a tasting, based on wild herbs and local products, created by Peppe Zullo.

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